The Trip..

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So now we are project partners..great. 😒 I know gray is excited, But he doesnt know what I saw and why im upset. If anything, During this project I will try not to act upset ? I dont know how this is going to work out..

(Skip from Saturday Night to Monday)

Everyone is in class, Its almost the end of the day, And I'm in the class that Gray and I are assigned the project too.

Teacher : Alright, Here are your permission slips.

Random student : What is this for ?..

Teacher : The trip !!

Everyone looks at eachother in confusion.

Random student : Too where..and why ?

Teacher : Its for your project and We're going to Paris !!

Vannessa, The twins and I all looked at eachother and smiled. (Me trying to act like nothings wrong :/)

I raise my hand.

Teacher : Yes y/n ?

Y/n : When are we going exactly ??

Teacher : Not Tomarrow but the next day, And this Trip is fully paid for by the school so dont worry about your plane tickets. You all don't have assigned seats, So you guys can pick who u wanna sit next to, And while we are gone, We will miss prom..but !! The people that do go to Paris, Will have prom there.Oh !! And we're flying first class on a private plane !!! On this first class plane, There are 4 seats in one row. (This plane is. Huge.)

The bell rings and its time to leave.
Everyone rushes out the door,Bolting to their Locker.
Vannessa and I say goodbye to the Twins and Drive home. I sopped the car in the Driveway of my house and as soon as we stop, We bolt out of the Car, Get our bookbags, and run to our room.
We get our suitcases and start packing. Their is a list of cloths for both men and women.

List (For women) :

1.) Summer wear (Flip flops, Shorts, Tank top,Tennis shoes, Ect.)

2.) A bathing suit

3.) Sunscreen (Face wash ect.)

4.) Formal clothing (A dress, Heels , Jewlery, Etc.)

5.) Optional : Makeup

6.) Workout cloths


I stop packing to go tell my mother that I will be going to Paris for a week or two. She said it was fine but she was going to miss me.. I told her that every night I will text her saying that I love her and I miss her.

I go back upstairs to continue packing.
I go to my closet to look for more cloths and I see the dress I bought with Nessa.
I now realize that this will be my prom dress..

Nessa : y/n !!

Y/n : Yeah ?

Nessa : Im gonna go to the store and buy a dress, Wanna come with me ?

Y/n : Sure !! I'll help you pick out a dress !!

Nessa : Omg yes. Okay, Lets go !!

We drive to a Prom / Wedding store and I start picking out a couple dresses for Vannessa and while Nessa and I are picking out Dresses..I heard arguing. But it wasn't a woman. The two voices are very familiar to me So I look around the corner and I see Ethan and Grayson.

Y/n : ..Gray ?

Gray turned around to see who was talking to him.

Gray : Hey y/n !!

Ethan : Heyyy

Y/n : What are you guys doing here ?

Gray : Trying to pick out a tux, Hey where is Vannessa ?

Y/n : Looking for Dresses. I heard you two arguing-

Ethan : Yeah, I wanted the tie but he took it-

Gray : fake cough* shut up.

I laughed under my breath and smirked

Gray : 😅, Did u find a dress yet ?

Y/n : yup. I didn't get it today though-

Phone dings*

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Dear Bestfriend.. 💜  || g.b.d حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن