Chapter 1

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October 27th
Sunday, 9:45 a.m

I sat at the table just listening to the conversation around me. Mom had made breakfast, and like most days, I didn't have an appetite. So I bit pieces off of my bacon and forked small portions of my eggs into my mouth.

"Lani, are you not hungry?" My mom asked as everyone eyes turned on me.

I wasn't bothered by their stares, but I also didn't like it.

"Yes, I'm just..." I couldn't find the right words to tell her, so I don't worry her.

"Mom, you know Nalani has never been a fast or big eater." Sage jumped in because it was apparent that I wasn't going to finish my answer.

It's not that I didn't want to answer her; I just couldn't find the right words,which was an everyday normal for me.

"I know, it's just she never talks or eat much. Ever since..." Xander cut mom off as his blue eyes gazed at me.

Even though he wasn't our bio-dad, he's been around long enough to be considered as our real dad. Mom and Xander met each other when we were 6, 3 years after our dad died. They told us the story a thousand times. He had just moved to America from Germany, and he was having a hard time navigating. They actually bumped into each other one evening at a diner and ended up having lunch together. 11 years later and they've only grown closer, and I couldn't blame mom for falling head over heels. Xander was the sweetest person I knew, he always uplifted mom and made her feel like she can do anything, as well as us.

"Leave her alone, Mara." Xander always came to my rescue and sometimes got scolded by mom for that.

"Oh hush," mom side-eyed Xander.

"Can I be excused, mom and dad?" Sage asked as her eyes were glued to her phone.

"Yeah, we're all done eating, so go ahead." Xander began getting up and picking up our plates.

"I'll help with the dishes," I got up as Sage left the table to go talk on the phone with one of her "friends".

"I have work, and I'm going to be late, so don't wait up." Mom said as she walked over to Xander and gave him a sweet kiss, before she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

She left out the dining room no doubt hugging Sage. She was a doctor so she was always having odd shifts and working late sometimes.

Xander and I picked up the plates as we cleared the table and walked into the kitchen. Upon clearing the food from the plates, we heard the front door close signaling mom left. I began washing the dishes while he dried the ones I passed him. I could feel his eyes on me as I finished washing another plate.

"Yes, dad?" I handed him the clean plate as I washed the last one.

"Nothing, I just don't see you smile anymore." He said as he dried the last plate I gave him.

I turned off the faucet and turned to him, and gave him a thin smile. "See? I do smile."

"That's not what I meant and you know it," he said plucking my forehead softly making a genuine smile grace my face.

He's always done that to me when I was a kid. I had a tendency of being a wise ass at times.

"Can I go out with friend Nayeli?" Sage appeared at the door of the kitchen.

"Yeah, just be back by 10- it's a school night." Xander was always so lenient on Sage, but we all knew her friends were as fake as Azalea Banks rap career.

"Thank you! See you tonight guys," she ran over and hugged me before she moved on and kissed Xander's cheek.

She ran from the kitchen and out the door like someone had lit a fire under her butt.

"Sieht aus wie es ist nur ich und du, Kleiner." Xander said as he suddenly turned to me. He taught us German at a young age, so I knew what he said. 'Looks like it's just you and me, kiddo'.

"I guess so," I said as I began popping the rubber band on my wrist against my skin.

Xander eyes left mines and went to my wrist as I pulled the rubber band and let it pop, harshly might I add, against my wrist. Some would say that was abusive or self harm, but anyone that knew me, knew that I responded well to pain. It helped me think better and not let my mind trail to a dark place.

"Let's watch our show on Netflix," Xander said as he began walking into the living room, no doubt expecting me to follow.

I followed close behind him as he took his spot on the couch and I sat beside him. My head leaned against his shoulder as he put on The Last Kingdom. It was our show and everyone in the house knew it.

"Dad, have I ever told you that you look and act like Uhtred Ragnarson?" I said as I looked between him and Uhtred on the tv.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, and not your way of telling me I would hump anything that has the female genital." He said laughing.

"No, it is a compliment. Uhtred is so misunderstood because everyone's trying to change him and conform him into something they want. But Uhtred is a sweet, lovable person. Of course he falls in love easily but when he does, he honors them and give them his unconditional love." I finally stopped popping my rubber band as I looked back at the tv.

He didn't say anything back, so I took that as him digesting my words. Xander understood me better than anyone in the house, but that's no to say that my mother doesn't understand me at all.

Halfway through the episode I began falling asleep on his shoulder. Few seconds later I felt myself being picked up and I heard footsteps. Xander laid me in my bed and placed a kiss on my forehead before walking out. As I heard the door click, my eyes popped open. I was the type of person who woke up if the slightest thing shifted while I was sleep.

I got up and headed over to my bay window as I sat down and looked at the street. This being a small town, everyone knew everyone, so imagine my surprise when I see a pink haired boy walking down the street. You could tell he dyed his hair because his roots were a brown honey color, but what captivated me about him was the way he walked. His walk was so carefree as he danced down the street while lip syncing the lyrics to whatever song he was listening to. His pale skin contrasted against his dark clothing.

As if feeling me staring at him, he looked up at me and his lips curled up into a friendly smile. And me being the awkward person I am, I just waved. He turned his head away and continued his walk to the house next door. I knew someone new moved in there, but I never actually cared enough to figure out who.

I moved away from my window and headed to my bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the water so that it was hot. I got into the shower after I threw my dirty clothes into my hamper.

I let the hot water caress my skin as I began to wash up, not having the luxury of time to just stand there. When I finished washing, I grabbed a towel and dried off before I grabbed my lotion and began to lotion my body. Then placed on my black bra and pantie set. I placed on an oversized t-shirt, some short, and my black ankle socks.

I headed back into my room and checked the time on the clock. It read 11:00 a.m, so I just settled on reading a book on marijuana. I've only ever seen the formula to marijuana once, but I could say the formula like I've studied it a hundred times. No one knew that I had a photographic memory, and I intended to keep it that way. That would only further my mom cause that I need to speak my mind more.

I wasn't a social bird like Sage, but plenty of people knew me. I just didn't care enough to actually go out with them, so I spent most my nights by myself not wanting to be bother.
Hey lovelies,

New book! I hope you guys like it, though I've never written a book like this before. I wanted to do something a little more serious.

So tell me guys what do you think of the first chapter? Nalani? Xander and Xiomara? Sage? The pink haired boy?

Word count: 1465(A/N excluded)

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