Chapter 6

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November 2nd
Saturday, 9:55 a.m

I took a seat at the bottom of Sage's bed as I stared at her. She was frustrating me by just sitting their playing with her nails.

"Sage tell me what happened...and don't lie because I will know and it won't be pretty for you." I tied my hair up into a bun. "You said it yourself, momma and daddy ain't here and if I don't hear the whole story they gon come home to a disfigured daughter."

The look on my face told her I was not playing her. Daddy put us in boxing when I was about 13 and I was the only one smart enough to continue training.

"I-I," she stumbled over her words for a minute. "We were at KJ's party, and everyone just gravitated towards you. I watched as you sparked a blunt and shared it Gabe and everyone around you...then that's when y'all all started drinking alcohol. I was jealous because you made people like you without even trying hard. You and Gabe, as well as, the rest of the student body there was white girl wasted. Some kids in the back of the house we're doing meth, so..."

Sage stopped as she tried to regain her breathing so she didn't hyperventilate. I just sat there listening, my nails dug so deep into my palms that they were starting to bleed. I was 10 seconds from bashing her head in, but I knew my mother and father would never forgive me.

"Fucking continue," I said through gritted teeth.

If looks could kill Sage would be dead, brought back alive, all so that I could kill her again.

"So I faked like I was taking you home and brought you to the back of the house. I told them you wanted to try some and I sat you down beside them on the couch around the table that was cover with meth, pipes, and syringes. This one guy helped you with the first dose and it was like a new world opened up to you, and you started craving more. When Gabe came to find you he was shocked to see that you were as high as a kite. I just stood off to the side watching you, ashamed of what I've done. Gabe picked you up and ordered us all an Uber home. He just kept staring at me with a disappointed look as he helped us in the house. And that's how it all started."

"Sage I'm not mad at you," I started while shaking my head. Sage had a hopeful look but that look soon fell as my next words fell from my plump lips.

"You are dead to me, you are no longer my littler sister-just someone I have to live with that my parents claim. I'm sure Gabe and I will patch up our relationship but for now he's the least of my worries. Just when my life is looking up, you've come to destroy me in the worst way. My own fucking little sister! This shit is BEYOND me!" I scoffed as I got up to leave.

"I'm not the only one keeping secrets so don't take it all out on me. Gabe kept it a secret from you as well, and Mark...don't even let me get started on him. You know he's not normal! You know there's something off about him and the way he acts." Sage was trying to bring everyone down with her.

She wasn't wrong about Mark, but I didn't like knowing he was holding in something as well. I wasn't sure if it was something small or something that would fuck me over in the long run. I notice everything about Mark honestly, and when I say everything I mean everything. He wasn't big on emotions, but sometimes he forced himself to try and understand people. His constant watch of time, even when he was sleeping. They way he mathematically answered some things. It was easy for him to pick up exactly where he left off as if time meant nothing to him.

"Yes but they are not my FUCKING blood!" I said as I stepped closer to her. "When Mark is ready to tell me what's going on with him, Ill be there to listen to him. But the next time you try to ruin what's left of my already fucked up life...I'll bash your fucking head in."

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