Chapter 15

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November 15
Friday, 7:30 a.m

A lot had happened over the span of 2 days, but what happened over those two days impacted my family enormously.

"Nalani Jade Parrish, get down here now!" I heard my father yell sternly.

"Yes dad?" I said as I made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"It's family time love," a smile broke out on dads face as I looked to the couch and saw Sage and Momma already sitting there with popcorn.

"Ok, I'll get the blankets from the closet." I said as I walked to the hallway closet.

I grabbed a giant quilt from the top of the closet, mom had made it from all of our old t-shirt from when we visited places.

I walked with the quilt clutched tightly to my chest as I walked to the couch. I sat down in the middle with Sage to my left and dad to my right. We've always sat like this, dad and mom on one end while Sage and I sat in the middle of them.

I draped the blanket over all of us as Sage handed me a bowl of popcorn.

"Mom and dad wants to start up family time again," Sage said with a laugh as she took some popcorn out of the bowl.

"Of course we do," mom kissed Sage cheek before she kissed mines. "We barely get to spend any time with y'all as is."

"Your mother is right, we miss y'all, and Nani you're about to go to college." Dad ruffled our hair as he pressed play on the movie.

I couldn't focus on anything that anyone was saying, it was like I reverted back to that quiet person I used to be.

Even though Jace and his fucked up father got sent to jail it was still very awkward between all of us. Even though we had school today we decided to stay home and out the press.

The town could not believe what their precious business partner and friend did to a local 15 year old. Not only were we known for my being on drugs, but now for Sage being raped by a grown ass man.

Even Sage was tired of everyone hanging around us to make sure nothing else happened. I could tell all she really wanted was to be left alone because when I got home from rehab all I wanted was to be left alone.

Everyone constantly hovering and asking the same question. "Are you ok?" Like fucking no! Maybe if they gave us time then when they asked we would be able to really say we were okay.

"Nalani?" I heard Sage call me out of my inner thoughts.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat as I teared my eyes away from the screen. "Yes?"

"Are you ok?" Here the word was again, like a knife to the gut it twisted in my insides.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm cool." I muttered with a fake smile, the same one from before.

Mom and dad both looked at each other before I got up, "Ima head over to Mark's house, I'll be back for dinner."

I left before anyone could say anything else. Everyone was just trying to sweep everything under the rug, and sooner or later it would all come out.

The cold winter air slapped me in the face as I closed the door behind me. I walked next door and knocked gently.

Mark might had been at school, but the lights were on downstairs so maybe I was wrong. I knocked three more times as I heard footsteps.

I came face to face with pale iridescent skin, "Victor?"

With a smirk he moved aside to let me in. "Nalani?"

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