Chapter 10

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Before we start this chapter take a minute and look at the mm. Tell me what y'all would do? Cause...wheeeew chile😭😭
November 8
Friday, 5:55 p.m

"Newcrest is out there thinking they already won this! This is the first game of the season and we are not going to let them win! Are we!?" Coached voice boomed through the locker room as we all sat huddled around.

"Hell no!!" We all yelled back.

Cameron stood up, "we are Prince-fucking-Academy! The home of the dragons! Jesse who are they? The Newcrest Ravens?"

"No! The Newcrest pigeons!" Jesse mocked as we all laughed.

"Rocky said it best: " The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it." So what are we going to do tonight!?" Cameron yelled.

"We're gonna kick some ass!" I yelled out as we began to head out onto the field.

As soon as we stepped onto the field our side of bleachers roared with excitement. I looked into the stands and saw my mom and dad sitting there. They looked like a happy couple but I saw the distance they put between each other. Sage is with the cheerleaders practicing for the football game. Mark waved at me when he saw me, making me smile and wave back.

I tore my eyes away from parents as I took my place on the field, next to the goaltender. Newcrest couldn't see that I was a girl under my helmet and I kind of liked my hidden identity.

The referee blew the whistle and that's when everything started to unfold. Sam and Newcrest attacker began to fight over the ball, but Newcrest attacker gets the ball first.

The attacker comes hurdling to our goal, but Cameron knocks the ball out of the attackers lacrosse stick.

Cameron takes the ball in his lacrosse stick and runs down to the other team. The defender on the opposing try to attack Cameron but he fakes a left and throws the ball into the goal in the right.

Cameron runs back to his position, and we all pat his back before the other team gets the ball.

This time the attacker makes it pass Cameron and the other. I look behind me at Alec to already find him watching me.

I watched the attacker make his way to me and I ran to defend the goal. I dragged my lacrosse stick behind me as I squared my shoulders and rammed myself into the attacker. Taking him down to the ground with me. I stand up and grab the ball from off the field with my lacrosse stick and throw it to Cameron, who passes it to Jesse and he throws it into the opposing team goal.

Newcrest has the ball again, but Sams little brother stole the ball and ran down the field with it in his stick. The defender on Newcrest team ran to meet him and hit below the thigh. Everything stopped as we heard a sickening crack and Sams little brother, Jake, leg turning into an uncomfortable position.

Jake fell to the ground as he screamed in agony. His bone could be seen piercing out of his skin, snapped into 2 like a wishbone.

We all ran to Jake, but Sam was the first to reach him. The coach had called the medics and they were on their way.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay, Jake." Sam tried you comfort his brother as he cried with him.

I'm wasn't sure what to say, but I knew they both loved the Russian lullaby tili tili bom. Their mother used to sing it to them when they had a bad dream.

"Sam sing with me," I whispered to Sam and he knew exactly what I meant.

"Tili Tili bom, Zakroy glaza skoree, kto-to hodit za oknom I stuchitsya v dveri.
Tili Tili bom, krichit nochnaya ptitsa, on ezhe probralsya v dom k tem, komu ne spitsya.
On idet, On uzhe Blisko.
Tili Tili bom, Ty slyishish, kto-to ryadom?
pritailsya za uglom I pronzaet vzglyadom.
Tili Tili bom, vse skroet noch nemaya, za toboy kradetsya on I vot vot poymaet.
On idet On uzhe Blisko" I followed Sams lead as he quieted Jake down.

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