Chapter 5

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November 1st
Friday, 8:30 p.m

"Nalani, so how did you come to know Mark?" Sarah asked as we all picked up our chopsticks and began to eat.

I took a bit of noodles on my chopsticks and ate it before I responded. "I seen him bopping his head to music as he walked to his house the day before school."

Mark cheeks tinted with a reddish pink as he looked down at his food. "Yeah and, when I caught her staring all she did was wave with a thin smile."

"What do your parents do? How is your home life?" Sarah fired questions at me as she swallowed the food she was chewing.

"Mom!" Mark whispered yelled at his mom as he glared at her.

"What!?" She whisper yelled back.

"It's fine." I said to Mark. "My mom is a doctor, so she works all kinds of schedules. My dad works as a IT man for this big company, but he tends to work at home. My little sister is quite the character, but she's well behaved-I guess. My parents limits the things we are exposed to for reason that are my own. And me-I spend my time indoors a lot more now..."

I left the end of my response open for interpretation; not that I would care what they would think other than Mark. But gladly enough no one caught on, well with the exception of Victor.

"What's your story?" Victor spoke for the first time since we sat down to eat.

I continued eating for a moment as their mother glared at Victor; as if she didn't question me the same way moments ago.

"I'm a recovering meth addict, well I have been clean for 2 years now. 2 years ago I almost overdosed and that was an eye opener for me. I don't really smoke weed anymore," I turned to Mark with a grateful smile. "I'm a very honest, closed off type of person...though I won't hesitate to put you in your place or anyone for that matter. I don't speak much at home nor do I include myself into anything that doesn't interest me....should I continue?"

I turned to Victor to see him shrugging as he smirked. It didn't get under my skin like he thought it would, but I also didn't take it personal.

After that no one spoke during dinner and to that I was grateful. I ate the food that was in front of me with interest. At my house we always ate German food or soul food, so I was glad to try something different.

When dinner was over I got up to help Sarah clean up the food while the boys cleared the table.

"Nalani," she started but I held my hand up in a dismissive way.

Some would argue that I had no respect for adults, when that's wasn't true at all. I just didn't respect people who pity others or tried to make up for their grown ass sons. AND YES THAT WAS SHADE.

I already knew what she wanted to say and I wasn't interest in her pity or sympathy. Nor was I interested in hearing her say sorry for her son.

"It's totally fine, Sarah, Victor doesn't faze me at all really." I said as we put the dishes in the dishwasher.

They did things different from what I'm used too. At home we bond over everything even if it's cleaning the dishes; yet here everything is pretty neutral and nonchalant.

I walked away when the dishes were in the dishwasher, and was stopped my Victor.

"I don't know what you want with my little brother, but I'm not here for it." Oh he was right to the business.

"Victor, your a grown ass man, so take your grown ass somewhere else. I haven't done anything to show you I would hurt Mark so you're being delusional. You heard what I said at that table, so heed my words: I will not hesitate to put you in your place. However I see fit." And with that I walked away to Mark's room.

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