Chapter 4

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After the fight with the werewolf you returned back to the DWMA. Things went back to normal... well at least for you it did. You weren't sure how it affected the others but you were scared to ask encase it brought up bad memories. Right now you were sitting in your class with everyone else. You sat on the other side of Soul listening to Professor Stein explain stuff to the class as he sat lazily in his spinny chair.

"What do you think? How have you all progressed? I think everybody is already aware that the time has come.The common exams for both meisters and weapons, the "Super written exams" the exams are getting closer; only one week left." Professor Stein explains.

'Wait what exam? Well damn it looks like Lord Death forgot to mention this. Great, time to fail.' You curse Lord Death in your head.

You look around at your new friends to see how they react to the news. You glance at Soul first since he was the one closest to you. He seems pretty bored with the fact that such a big exam was going to take place soon. You then peek up at Tsubaki and Black Star. Tsubaki looks nervous while Black Star wears the same expression as Soul. Your eyes shift to the row below you to see what the trio's reaction was. Patty looks happy but you aren't entirely sure if it had to do with the test or if she was just zoned out, Lizz has an expression that seems to say I could care less, and Kid looks focused but not worried in the slightest. And lastly you lean over your desk a little bit to be able see Maka's face.

'What the Hell?' You question in your head while staring at Maka in confusion. 'Why the Hell does she look so ecstatic?' Maka's face is lit up by a huge smile and her eyes shine brighter than headlights on their high beams.

You sit back down in your seat and turn your face back to the front to listen to Professor Stein finish what he has to say. "I'm the one who prepared the exams this time there's all kinds of people: some anxious, some impatients but... do your best. Ok! Breakout!" He finishes talking and he kicks his desk which propels him to the door. However as he gets to the doorway his chair tips and he falls to the ground.

Once that happens, everyone in the class starts to chatter about studying for the exam while you walk with your friends out of the classroom. "So guys um... I was wondering if I could get some help with studying?" You ask them with a nervous smile.

Black Star was the first to respond "No way. You'll just slow me down. And after all I can't have you learn my studying secrets. AFTER ALL I'M A GOD AND IF YOU COMPARE YOURSELF TO ME YOU WOULD BE EVEN SMALLER THAN AN AN-OW!!!" He was cut off as Maka rams a book into the top of his head. He falls to the ground as blood squirts from his new wound.

"Don't worry (First Name) you can come and study with Soul and I!" Maka exclaims happily even after her little attack to the top of Black Stars head. Nevertheless you smile in relief as she accepts your request.

"Thanks Maka that would be a real big help"

"It's no problem. Hey and if you want you can even sleep over so that we'll be able to study as soon as possible." You were surprised by Maka's offer but you happily agree to it anyway. Well at least until a thought entered your mind.

"I'd love to but" you peer at Soul "is it alright with you too Soul I wouldn't want to intrude and make you uncomfortable."

His eyes widened for a second as he gives you a surprised look before his face goes back to his normal bored expression. "Yeah I'm fine with it. After all what kind of cool guy refuses a girl who asks for help" he finishes with a smirk.

You smile and let out a laugh "Well then thanks cool guy. What would I do without your help!" He gives you another surprised look as he whips his head in the other direction. 'Huh it looked like his cheeks turned a little bit pink. Hmmmmm... No I guess it was just my imagination.' You sweatdrop at your thoughts as you walk home to grab some stuff for your sleepover and then head to Maka and Soul's place.

                                                                ~~~Time skip~~~

It's now the day before the exams, well not really day more afternoon-ish, and you feel like your brain is going to explode from all the knowledge. "Uuuggghhhhh" you groan as you drop your head onto the desk in Maka's room. "Maaaaaakaaaaaa can we take a quick break I feel like my head is gonna expllllooooode" you whine.

Maka smiles and giggles as she nods and stands up from her chair. "Okay let me go and grab a snack for the both of us."

"YAY! Thanks Maka you are the best friend ever!" You exclaim in glee.

"Yeah yeah just go tell Soul while I grab the snacks." You nod and get out of the chair to walk to Soul's room.

You knock on Soul's door and relay the message from Maka "Hey Soul, Maka and I are taking a break and she's grabbing some snacks. Would you like to join us?" You hear some shuffling until he opens the door and pokes his head out.

"Oh um.. Yeah sure just give me a sec and I'll be out. You guys are gonna be on the couch right?"

"Yup. And make sure you come quickly or there will be none left." You answer as you start to walk to the couch.

"Hey! Don't you dare eat all of the snacks!" He shouts as you ignore him and keep walking. You sit down on the couch as Soul runs out of his room to make sure you didn't eat everything without him.

"Just calm down it was a joke." He looks unconvinced at first but then lets out a huff of air and sits down on your right. A few seconds later Maka comes out with a little platter in hand. On said platter was some pepperoni, slices of different types of cheese, some crackers, and an assortment of fruit. Maka sets the platter down on the little coffee table and smiles at the two of you.

"So" she starts "what do you guys want to do while we take a break?"

You think for a second and tap your chin. "How about we just watch a movie?" You ask.

Maka looks like she was thinking but Soul interrupts her thoughts. "Yes!!! Can we watch an action movie?" (Sorry if you don't like action movies but it's the only type of movie I could think of that both Maka and Soul would watch)

Maka sighs "Fine let me see which ones we have." You do a silent cheer in your head as Maka puts in the movie.

                                                                  ~~~Time skip~~~

It was now the day of the exam. And let's just say you aren't nervous at all. Nope not at all. You walk with Maka and Soul to class and then go to sit in your seat.

"I'm the exam proctor, Sid. One thing before we start..." Sid waves his hand in the direction of the bruised and bloodied Black Star hanging on the wall by the back of his shirt. "He went into Dr. Stein's laboratory with the intention of stealing the exam questions, that stupid fool!"

'I don't know whether to be worried or whether to be surprised by his stupidity' you think to yourself. Sid continues "So, don't think about cheating! The exams will last 60 minutes. Leave the papers down" You heard the clock make a weird noise like "Kill-kooon, Kaaan-kooon". Sid then says "Good you can start now!"

You start taking your exam but not even five minutes later Soul was stripped out of everything except his underwear. 'That moron' you sweatdrop. 'But I wonder where he got that scar. And how does he hide that nice body......Wait WHAT!!!' You shake your head to get rid of your thoughts and then look back at your exam. However when Soul sat back in his seat you couldn't help but say something. "You know you should go shirtless more often." He whirls his head around to look at you. His neck to his ears are flushed a deep crimson. You smirk at him and focus back on your exam.


                                                                  ~~~Time skip~~~

You stand at the placement board, (don't know what it's actually called. If you know please put it in the comments) your eyes scan it from the bottom to the top. You are surprised to see what your placement was. 'I got 27th place. Wow I'll have to make sure that the next exam we have I study with Maka again.' You smile to yourself and walk out of the school to your house

Continued on my Tumblr because of Wattpad issues: DWMA Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now