Chapter 5

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A/N: The beginning of this I’m using as a filler for when Kid, Patty, and Liz are fighting Crona in chapter 13 and 14 of the manga. And then it picks up back to the actual story when everyone gets to the party. Chapter 15-16 in the manga. That's what the dress looks like except for the neckline and the colors are replaced with your favorites.


You wake up to the shrill and unbearable noise of your alarm clock. Jumping up and slamming your fist down on top of it to shut it up you get out of bed to get ready for school, getting dressed in a (Favorite color) t-shirt and a pair of jeans. You walk over to your body mirror to flatten out any creases in your outfit. While doing so you glance to the calendar that was placed to the right of it and freeze. ‘Are you fucking kidding me. It’s Saturday and I just got up early for nothing.’ You flop down on your bed and huff.

‘Well now what am I gonna do? I can’t go back to sleep no matter how hard I try.’ You sit and ponder for a while until you finally get an idea. You hop off your bed and walk to the other side of it to get your phone which was sitting on the side table. Picking your phone up you unlock it and scroll through your contacts looking for two people. When you find their contacts you sent each one a text asking if they wanted to hang out which they both responded to in their own unique ways. You tell both of them to meet you at the basketball court in an hour.

‘Should I tell them that I invited the other one?’ You think for a second ‘Nah it will be fine.’ And with that thought you continue to get ready and lounge until you have to meet them.

                                                               ~~Time Skip~~

You are standing in the middle of the basketball court waiting for them to get there. The first person walks up and before they could say anything you say “Hey I hope you don’t mind but I invited someone else to come with us.”

They seem to be thinking until they nod and reply “Yeah that's fine.”

You sigh in relief “Good I thought you would be upset.”

They are about to say something but they are cut off by someone yelling “(FIRST NAME), SORRY I’M LATE I RAN INTO SOME TROUBLE!”

You laugh “Calm down it’s fine you’re only five minutes late.”

They nod with a smile and finally seemed to notice the other person that was here. “Oh hey Tsubaki, did (First name) invite you too?”

Tsubaki smiles and responds “Yes. You don’t mind do you?”

Maka smiles back “No it’s fine. The more the merrier. Anyway, what are we gonna do?”

“I don’t know. Do you guys have anything in mind?” You question. Tsubaki and Maka think for a minute before Tsubaki speaks up.

“We could go dress shopping for the party at the DWMA!”

You are confused which Maka seems to notice. “(First name) You didn’t hear about the party?” You shake your head. “Well there is going to be a party held at the DWMA and the students and teachers are going. However you have to dress formally.”

“Well shopping for dresses it is considering it will probably take forever.” Both of the girls laugh and nod in agreement. “Well off we go.”


                                                           ~~Time Skip~~

You’ve been searching for four hours and still haven’t found a dress. While Maka and Tsubaki found their dresses in the first hour or two. ‘Why is this so hard’ you think as you are trying on what felt like the hundreth dress. You walk out of the dressing room to show the girls. “Well?” You question. They both shake their heads, groaning you go to change out of it. When you walk back out in your normal clothes you ask “Do you guys want to go and get something to eat? We scavenged through this store and haven’t found anything,  just like in the last five stores.” They both nod in agreement and you all walk at the food court that is located in the center of the mall. You got a large pizza to share and went to sit down. “Maybe I should just give up and not go to the party.”

Continued on my Tumblr because of Wattpad issues: DWMA Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now