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Hey guys so I wanted to explain why I've been gone for so long. 

First: is, just like everyone else, Covid threw my whole damn life upside down. But once my school was shut down my mom had the brilliant idea to spend the whole stay at home order with my grandparents in Tennessee. Who don't have WIFI.

Second: After being in Tennessee for about 2 months we drove back home but my mom decided right then and there that she wanted to move to Tennessee so we had to start packing the house and everything we owned. But because of the quick decision stress was high and I couldn't get anything done cause I had to keep my mom and sister from going at each other.

Third: Instead of moving to Tennessee I decided to move in with my dad and because of this my mom decided to take me off her phone plan, health care, and insurance.

Fourth: Because of the fact that I worked in the food industry I didn't have a job for a long time and couldn't pay for any of my new bills. So the second I moved into my dad's I had to take on three part time jobs to pay them.

Five: Then the brakes on my damn car decided to give out so I had to quit two of my jobs since I couldn't drive there and I had too much money to pay for my bills so I couldn't, and still haven't, paid to get it fixed.

Six: And finally Wattpad hasn't been working for me. I finally got a new chapter written out but when I tried uploading it, it wouldn't go through. I tried to upload it from the website and the app but it still wouldn't work. And even before that Wattpad would upload my chapters weirdly. Sometimes without quotations, without enters, or sometimes it would take out whole paragraphs. I honestly don't even know if it will post this but I'm gonna be spamming the publish button until it does. But this was written September 27th and I'll keep coming back once every day to press the damn publish button until it finally goes through.

Now because of this I've come to the decision to not write on Wattpad any more. But I will be posting the chapters I have on my Tumblr and continuing from there. I know that it will suck if you guys can't move over but I can't keep using Wattpad when it takes me just a few days to write a chapter and then 2 weeks to publish it and fix all the issues Wattpad made to it.

This is the main reason it would always take me so long to make new chapters. It's not because I wouldn't want to or I was being lazy but because I ended up having to spend a crap ton of time editing each chapter posted cause Wattpad screwed it up.

So as of now my Tumblr is pretty behind on the chapters cause I was editing them before posting them on there but if any of you want to continue to read the story my Tumblr account is:

And on there I actually have more things going. These thing being: 

1. I will be publishing 5 different stories in addition to this one.

2. I have two writing contests open that anyone can participate in and you can win prizes from me.

3. I have a link for my own writer's Discord Server made to help writers with their work and to show off your talents.

And 4. I am accepting commissions (paid) and requests (free) and I have made sheets of the fandoms I know and the characters I write for so you guys can ask for either one on there and I will work on those when I get writers block on my fanfics. Though if you do want a commission or a request I suggest sending me an ask on tumblr if you don't see a fandom on either of the sheets cause I haven't updated them for a while.

Well that's all I have to say. Once again I'm so sorry to any who can't switch over to Tumblr but for those of you who can I hope to see you there 😄.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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Continued on my Tumblr because of Wattpad issues: DWMA Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now