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Hey everyone the next chapter will be out in a few days but I want to ask you all something that will have to do with the future of the story. I want to know if you guys want anyone added onto the small list of guys that the reader can end up with, the list so far is Soul, Kid,  and Black Star.

If you guys want to add someone to the list let me know (you can ask for as many as you want). I will try to add all of them but some of the characters I have a hard time writing for but I'll try my hardest if you request them. The only characters I will flat out refused is the ones who are a lot older than the reader (like Stein or Spirits age). You can still ask for anyone but if I think they are too old I'll decline. But for some I might let slide for the immortal or characters like Giriko since they age differently and since the reader is a witch she does too.

Continued on my Tumblr because of Wattpad issues: DWMA Boys x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now