Youngjae - At the Airport

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"We are now approaching Incheon Airport, please go back to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, the sky is clear and the temperature is 25°C (77°F)"

'Here it is', you think, while looking at the coast of Korea coming closer through the plane's window. The small buildings gradually become bigger, you're now able to see tiny cars on the roads. Your smile is getting bigger and bigger as the time of landing comes closer. 

It's been 6 months since your last time in Korea and you've missed it every single day. Back then, you had spent the most wonderful year of your life. You were an exchange student in Seoul and had fallen in love with the country, its traditions, its landscapes, its food, its people. When you had to leave at the end of the school year to go back to your home country to finish your studies, you had almost drowned in tears. All of your Korean friends had come to the airport to say goodbye, it was very emotional. But you had promised everyone you would come back as soon as your studies would be over. And here it was!

However, at the bottom of your heart, you know that the main reason you're coming back is a certain person, someone who you've fallen in love with even harder than you've fallen in love with Korea. Just thinking about him makes your heart skip a beat and brings a smile to your lips. 


You can't wait to see him again. To see his beautiful smile, to hear his wonderful laugh, to get lost in his eyes, to hold him against you, to laugh at his jokes, to watch movies and get scared together, to have a stroll in the city... All those things you couldn't do in a long distance relationship.

Even if you talked to each other on the phone regularly, it was never enough. Your schedules didn't quite match and you would often miss each others' calls. During the past few months you were afraid that your relationship would fade because of the distance, that Youngjae would get bored of waiting and would find someone else. 

So, right now, as the plane is close to the ground, you're excited but nervous at the same time. You hope that nothing will have changed. You hope that when you see him, the same heat will rise in your heart, the same daze will take hold of your mind, the same weakness will appear in your legs. Because this is what being in love with Youngjae feels like.

The wheels suddenly touch the ground, people are clapping and talking a little louder, happy to be back home or to enjoy their holidays. Your heart starts beating faster as the plane gets closer to the terminal.

You get out of the plane, walk in the long corridors, get lost in the flow of passengers all going in the same direction, go through the customs,  get your luggage back, all of this in a daze.  You see the automatic doors in the distance, opening and closing as people leave the airport, you can see people waiting outside, waving, welcoming their friends or family. You quicken your pace and reach the doors, you look all around you and for a second you're afraid that Youngjae might not  be here, that he might have forgotten about you even if you had told him a thousand times the details of your flight. 

That's when your eyes stop on a huge sign behind which you can see a familiar head smiling at you. The sign says "Welcome Back, I missed you" in capital letters of your favourite colour. You can feel tears of happiness coming to your eyes as your start running toward Youngjae. As soon as he sees you running he drops the sign on the side and starts coming to you with open arms, his smile even brighter than in your memories.

You finally throw yourself in his arms, your head is pressed on his chest and you can smell his sweet perfume. He is gently caressing your hair with his right hand and the back of your head with his left, laughing of happiness. 

"Oh Youngjae I missed you so much", you manage to say, still glued to his body. 

"I think I missed you the most", he answers.

After a few minutes of hugging you let go of each other and you look at Youngjae right in the eyes, those cheerful eyes you are so happy to finally see again for real. 

"Ah my cheeks hurt because of how much you make me smile right now", he says in a laugh. You laugh with him and start massaging his cheeks with your hands to tease him. He tries to escape by stepping back but stumbles and starts falling on a pile of travel bags behind him. But he's holding your hand and takes you with him in the fall. You end up lying next to each other in the middle of some travels bags, laughing even harder while people start gathering to see what the noise is all about.

At this moment, you know that nothing has changed, that your love and complicity are still strong and powerful if not even more solid than before.

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