Jinyoung - Mysterious Stranger

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It's Saturday afternoon. As every Saturday you're sitting at your usual spot next to the window, with your usual cup of hot chocolate. This is your favourite café, not only do they sell delicious drinks but they also have a big collection of books which the customers can read as much as they want. You love the calm atmosphere, most people come here alone to enjoy some peace and to escape reality for a few hours by getting lost in stories of all kinds. You've just finished your book and start looking out the window still half immersed in the story. 

There is a lot of condensation on the window because of the difference in temperature between the cold winter streets and the warm and cozy café. You don't want to be anywhere else at that moment, it feels like your little paradise. You slowly shift your gaze to the rest of the room, the books are covering most of the walls, a few people are casually looking at the titles, searching for their next read, others are totally engrossed in their reading and look like nothing would be able to distract them. Most people here look familiar, you usually exchange light smiles with some of them to say hello as you recognize each other.

Suddenly you notice someone you've never seen before sitting two tables from you. He seems to be focused on his book, his eyebrows lightly frowned. He's wearing Harry Potter glasses which make him look cute and smart at the same time. You're mesmerized by his sight and can't seem to move your eyes away from him. But without warning, the young man lifts his head up and your eyes meet for a second. 

You immediately turn away and start blushing really hard. You didn't mean to stare at him like this and feel ashamed that he noticed you. You open your book and pretend to be reading even if you've finished already. The words dance on the paper, you can't catch their meaning, all you see is the face of the stranger. You keep repeating the scene of him looking at you in your mind, like a GIF. 

Why are you so flustered? It's not the first time you accidentally make eye contact with a stranger, it has already happened in public transportation or on the streets and you forgot about it almost right away probably because you knew you would never see those people again. However, this is different, this is your favourite place in the city and you might see this young man again. You feel like you just made a fool of yourself in front of him.

Suddenly, you notice some movement from the corner of your eye and almost have a heart attack when you see the stranger coming toward you. You're struck by his beautiful and perfect features, by his light and confident smile as he comes closer. You realize that you have unintentionally opened your mouth in amazement and quickly close it. 

"Hey", says the stranger in a deep and warm voice which makes your heart melt, "We're reading the same book!"

You look at the book he's holding in front of you and compare it to the one laying open on your table. You're indeed reading the same book!

"Oh... That's right...", you say awkwardly.

"Do you mind if I sit here?", he says, pointing the chair in front of you.

You quickly shake your head and tell him that, sure, he can sit here.

He then starts talking about the book that he's enjoying a lot and you two start conversing more naturally, at first about books and then about other topics.

You feel more and more comfortable with him, the conversation is flowing and you seem to have a few common interests. You could listen to his pleasant voice for hours and enjoy opening up to him.

But suddenly, the stranger (who is a little bit less of a stranger now) looks at his wristwatch and stands up in a hurry.

"Oh no, I totally lost track of time, I need to be somewhere, I'm going to be late! Sorry, I need to go."

He bolts out of the room at full speed. It is all so sudden that you don't even have a chance to say or do anything. All you can do is watch him disappear in the streets, as if this all situation was just a dream that just ended. You can't help but feeling a little pinch in the heart as you realize that you don't even know his name and will probably never see him again. You decide that it's time for you to go home and start packing your stuff. 

As you open the door of the café to leave you bump into someone who was coming in fast. It's him.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't leave without giving you this." he says while shoving a piece of paper into your hands. "But I really need to go now".

You watch him leave hurriedly for the second time, dumbfounded. He turns around once and waves at you, smiling before disappearing behind a corner.

You stand on the pavement immobile for a few seconds and look at your hands and the little piece of folded paper.

With trembling fingers you unfold it: 

"It was really nice meeting you! You brought happiness to my day, I wish we could meet again! Here is my number, call me! Jinyoung"

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