Youngjae - To the Moon (1)

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Year 2120

Within the last century, the world has known a lot of changes, an increase in population, breakthroughs in technology and shifts in societies, beliefs and cultures. Space travel became more common and colonies were built on the Moon, and later on Mars. These previously uninhabited lands now hold auto-sufficient cities of hundreds of thousand of people. Space travel still remains costly; and usually, if one is born on either of the 3 worlds, they remain on their world for most of their life.

Youngjae and I were lucky enough to be born on the same world: Earth. Probably not the most perfect one, but we found each other. And being in a relationship with Youngjae has changed my life in the most wonderful way. Sure, we can't always spend a lot of time together as he is busy performing with his music group, famously known in the three worlds for their original view on music taking their roots in the beginning of the 21st century. Youngjae loves what he is doing, he loves making music and inspiring people and I love seeing him this happy.

But last week, Youngjae's entertainment label announced that his group would soon go on a Moon Tour to finally meet their fans there. The news went viral, and the boys started getting prepared for their travel. But I couldn't help but being worried, I never really trusted space shuttles even if they were very safe and rarely had any accident.

We spend the last day before Youngjae's departure, talking in his apartment.

"I'm going to miss you a lot" I say, hugging Youngjae tightly.

"I will miss you too! But you know, it's not very different from the Earth Tours we did before, everything will be fine! And I will send you messages every night!" he answers with a reassuring smile that makes my heart melt.

"I know, but I won't be able to send you anything back, the coverage in our city is way too low to enable sending such long distance files..."

Youngjae and I sigh at the same time. We both had tried to convince ourselves that it wouldn't be too different but we can't really deny the reality of things. It is going to be quite a frustrating month for our relationship... But also a huge boost for Youngjae's career. So I still try to remain optimistic as I don't want to ruin Youngjae's experience: "Anyway you're going to have so much fun! I've heard they have delicious food there, and the view must be beautiful!"

Sadly, I can't see Youngjae off because of my own schedule being quite busy, but I regularly think about him during the day. Around 30 minutes before he's supposed to take off, I feel my bracelet vibrating. A message from Youngjae:

"Hey! I will be taking off soon, I'm really excited! But you should see the boys, they're almost uncontrollable... And... I was told that communications towards Earth are quite limited so I'll only be able to send you one daily message but don't worry too much about me! I love you! And I'll bring you some Moon Dust as a souvenir, as promised 😉"

I almost feel like crying when reading his message, of course I'm worrying! I love him... How could I not be worried while he is heading into space at thousands of kilometres per hour?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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