Jaebum - Paradise

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When you woke up in the morning and discovered how sunny the day would be, you and your boyfriend, Jaebum, decided to spend some time at Han River to enjoy the weather. In your 3 years of relationship you had been to Han River together hundreds of times, but each time always felt unique and exceptional, just as the first time. 

You would never get bored of spending time with Jaebum, even if it was just walking next to each other without speaking. 

In your opinion, the best dates are not the spectacular and romantic kind of events with flowers, gifts and romantic gestures. Any everyday situation becomes special in Jaebum's company. You enjoy every minute you spend with him, hearing him brushing his teeth through the bathroom door, sitting next to him in the sofa, going grocery shopping together, watching him prepare coffee in the morning, seeing his name appear in a notification on your phone... All those little moments are precious and valuable. 

You are now walking slowly on the shore, your hand intertwined with Jaebum's hand. His hands are soft, warm and protective. Every time he touches you, it feels like a firework is taking place in your entire body. Every time he gently caresses your hand with his thumb, his finger seems to leave a spark of electricity on your skin. Every time he slightly tightens his grip  on your hand, you fall deeper and deeper in love with him. 

 Your heart is overflowing with your love for Jaebum but your body, your actions, your words seem to never be enough to express all this affection. That's why every time you see him you feel this weight in your chest, the weight of your overwhelming emotions.

You can hear the river slowly flowing next to you, you can hear the laughs of children playing on the grass, you can hear the sound of your synchronized footsteps as you wander on the riverbank. 

You can smell the heat of the day, the grass, the trees, the nature, the food sold by nearby foodtrucks, but the dominant smell is Jaebum's enchanting perfume, his natural odor which drives you crazy, crazy in love. 

You love him with every particle of your body.

He turns his head toward you, your eyes meet, he smiles wildly. You're almost blinded by his smile and feel like the luckiest person on Earth for receiving this sincere and loving smile.

"I know I say this all the time but I love you"

You let the words sink in your mind, those wonderful words that you will never get sick of hearing, those words that trigger shivers all over your body.

"And I feel like I will never be able to stress it enough, I love you too." you answer while sinking in his dark eyes.

You both come to a stop and lean on the railing facing the river. Your arms are touching. You let your gaze wander over the water, the boats, the city on the other shore. Finally your eyes end up on Jaebum's face, you're admiring his profile, his nicely shaped nose, his soft lips. As if feeling the weight of your gaze on his face, Jaebum looks at you and after a few seconds, he leans over and delicately kisses your lips. 

You're burning inside as soon as his lips touch yours, the whole world seems to disappear and time seems to be slowing down. He slowly lifts his hands and places them on the sides of your face. You've never felt safer than when being held by Jaebum.

'This must be what people call Paradise', you think, wishing for this to never stop.

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