Jackson - Ramen

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"Shhh" said Jackson, motioning you to remain silent as the two of you were facing the entrance door. "The guys are probably sleeping and they will kill us if we wake them up. You don't want to see Jaebum when he's angry". Jackson then started to exaggeratedly show is chin until you two burst out laughing.

"Shshshsh" he said again, trying to put on a serious face, but you could still see remains of a smile on his lips.

"OK, 1... 2... 3..." He opened the door. Miraculously it didn't make any sound and you could both enter the room almost silently. It was dark inside.

A few weeks ago, Jackson and his friends had decided to go on a holiday and rent a house together. He had immediately asked if he could bring his girlfriend too. So here you were! So far, the holiday had been incredibly funny, all of the boys were so enthusiastic and dynamic and they sure knew how to have a good time.

But tonight Jackson and you were craving some time alone, where you could just enjoy each other's company in a calm setting. So after dinner, you had decided to slip away and have a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. You had sat on the sand and silently watched the sky change colors, from shades of pink, to orange and flaming red. The sight was magnificent. Jackson had brought a blanket so you had comfortably stayed there talking about everything until the sky had gone black and the only source of light were the moon and the stars above you.

Time had flown by without you even realizing and it was almost 1AM when you had decided to go back to the house.

Everybody seemed to be fast asleep. You were taking your shoes off and silently storing them away when you suddenly heard Jackson's stomach rumbling. You both stopped moving and your eyes met. A second later, you were trying your best to muffle your laughter.

"It looks like you're angry, isn't it Jackson?" you said amusingly.

"What makes you think so?", answered Jackson jokingly.

"Let's make some ramen, I'm quite angry too!" you started tiptoeing towards the kitchen, quickly followed by Jackson and is rumbling stomach.

As you were opening a few cupboards, looking for some packs of instant noodles, you heard a huge bang coming from another part of the kitchen. Apparently, Jackson had been trying to find a pan and was now struggling to prevent a pile of pots and pans from falling on the floor.

"Help me!!" he mouthed with a terrified look.

You rushed to help him and managed to store the pans without making anymore noise. The whole situation was so hilarious and you couldn't help smiling at Jackson's puppy face. "I'm telling you, I don't know what happened, I opened the cupboard and then, BAM, all the pots started falling on me!" He was rambling on and on about the little accident, acting all innocent, his eyes wide open. Still, the rest of the house seemed to remain silent and asleep.

The next hardship was to open the bags of ramen as quietly as possible.

"Ahh" sighed Jackson, looking at the packs of ramen with a tilted head. "I think we need to open them at once, like this..." he rushed on one of the bags to quickly open it. Once again, he ended making some noise and you could hardly hold your laughter. How could something as simple as preparing noodles end up being such an adversity?

After wiping a few tears of laughter, you both managed to continue cooking, only making a little noise when turning the stove on and off, and you were now ready to eat your steaming bowl of delicious ramen.

Jackson took a big mouthful of noodles and drank some of the soup. "Woahh... This must be the best ramen I've every eaten" he said while looking at you.

You smiled at him, reached for his hand which was resting on the table and gently pressed it. "I hope we can eat thousands more of it together in the future" you said.

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