Bambam - Without you

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It all started with a single sentence. Or should I say, it all ended.

"I need to talk to you...". The beginning of the end.

I kept staring at the words on the screen of my phone. Reading and rereading them as if I could see something between the lines, as if I had read it wrong the first time. If those same words were followed by an exclamation mark, it would probably have been good news. If those same words were followed by a series of smileys, it would have been different. But all I could see were these 3 dots that shot me three times in the heart.

Oh it hurt, how could words hurt so much? Words which taken separately are harmless and innocent. How could they bring such pain?

The only thing preventing me from collapsing and bursting into tears was hope. Because even in the most desperate situations, hope remains. Hope that our story will not end, hope that our love will keep living, hope that this was all just a misunderstanding.

With the only strength of hope, I managed to get dressed and head outside to meet him. The second I saw him in the distance, waiting for me sitting on a public bench, I knew. I knew it was not a misunderstanding, I knew that by the end of our talk I would be alone, back at square one, with the broken pieces of my heart.

He talked to me, he said the words I was dreading to hear. I didn't say anything, I couldn't. If I had opened my mouth, I would have lost all control on myself and the tears I was trying so hard to hold back would have rolled down my cheeks in an endless flow. So I held my lips tight until we parted. His silhouette slowly walking away in the distance soon became blurry, and I cried, I cried, I cried.

I ridiculously thought we were not like other couples, I thought that what we had was special, that it would last. And I feel like an idiot, such an idiot for believing in this kind of fairy-tale. Of course, it doesn't work like this, it can't be that easy, I can't just be so effortlessly happy...

And now can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do? Can someone please tell me? What do I do with all the memories, with all the good times, with all the expectations, the crushed possibilities, the shattered dreams...? Should I just throw everything away? Down in the gutter?

How am I supposed to prevent my life from collapsing when it's mostly constructed around someone who is not here anymore? I don't know what to do anymore... Oh Bambam, what am I supposed to do without you?

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