Mark - Ocean Waves

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"Ahh... It feels so good to be here", I exclaim after taking a big breath of fresh sea breeze.  The salty wind is shoving my hair around my face, so that I constantly need to push strands of hair behind my ears. The sun shines bright high in the afternoon sky. The sound of the ocean gets louder as I walk closer to the shore. A wave splashes on the sand and covers my feet up to my ankles. I jump backward, a little surprised by the cold water and start laughing while heading back to a drier part of the beach. 

I can see a familiar silhouette in the distance walking in my direction. "Mark! Hurry up, the waves look incredible!", I scream, trying to make myself heard despite the strong wind. The handsome young man soon gets to my side, carrying one surfboard under each arm. "Hey you could have helped me  bringing the boards here..." are Mark's first words as he sits on the sand, acting all tired. "Oh but I know you're strong enough to carry this, it couldn't be a problem with your powerful arms", I say while playfully pressing Mark's arm muscles, nicely shaped below the bodysuit he's wearing. "Yes, you're right I'm quite strong", he answers while standing up. He suddenly rushes to catch me,  lifts me in his arms and proceeds to jokingly throw me into the waves. I scream as I can feel the cold water slowly cutting trough my bodysuit and reaching my skin. "Maaaark!" I exclaim, half laughing half angry. 

"Carrying those surfboards gave me so much strength that I couldn't stop there, I had to carry you too" he says with a big smile. I don't let him finish his sentence and start splashing water on him. Then begins a water fight which quickly results in the both of us being entirely wet. Once the truce is officially signed we slowly recede to the beach and enjoy the feeling of the hot sand under our feet. I look at Mark's hair dripping on his shoulders and notice a small piece of seaweed stuck in between two strands of hair. I restrain my laughter and gently removes it from his head, taking advantage of the situation to lightly caress his cheek. He looks at me with a soft smile and sweetly pecks my lips. His warm kiss tastes like sea and salt.

"So, should we get going?" Mark asks excitingly, motioning towards the surfboards. 

"Hmm, okay, but you promise to help me if I fall off the board? I'm not quite confident as it's the first time I go surfing..."

"Of couuurse, you can count on me!" he answers reassuringly while handing me my board. 

The next few hours are spent attempting taming the wild waves on our surfboards. I keep falling but never give up, as Mark keeps encouraging me to try again until I can actually stand on my board. When I finally do, he's ecstatic and seems so proud of me that I can't help thinking that he really is the best boyfriend I could have dreamed of.

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