Yugyeom - Rain

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"Bye! See you! I had a great time, we should see each other more often!", you wave at your friends and run down the stairs to the subway station. 

You spent some quality time with some friends of yours you don't have the opportunity to see as much as you would like since you are all busy most of the time. You had dinner together and laughed a lot but it's already almost 11PM and you need to get home before the subway closes for the night. 

So here you are, sitting in one of the lasts trains of the day. It's almost empty but you feel a bit uncomfortable because it's late and you never know what could happen in the subway at this time of the day. 

As soon as the doors of the train open at your station you bolt out and walk quickly to the exit. You almost run in the stairs, impatient of getting to your place. You suddenly stop at the top of the stairway: it's pouring outside. 20 minutes earlier, when you left your friends, it was cloudy but you would have never guessed it would be raining by the time you got there. You don't have an umbrella and still need to walk at least 10 minutes from the station to your apartment.

'What should I do? Should I wait here a little or run in the rain and get soaked?' you hesitate. 

Suddenly you hear footsteps followed by a voice in your back which makes you jump out of surprise. You turn around and see a tall young man coming closer. It looks like he's waiting for you to say something.

"Uh, I'm sorry, did you say something?", you ask cautiously. 

The stranger smiles and repeats his question.

"I can lend you my umbrella if you want?", he says, showing the blue umbrella he is holding in his right hand.

"Oh no don't bother, it's fine!", you answer hastily. "You would be all wet, I'm going to figure something out, don't worry about me".

"Let me at least share it with you", he insists, "in which direction are you going?"

As you look at the stranger's face more carefully, you notice that he is younger that you first thought. He looks sincere and honest, not the kind of person you should avoid at all costs. Your guts tell you that you should trust him.

"I'm living on this street", you say, pointing at the road.

"Oh really? I'm going this way too, we can definitely share the umbrella for a little while then!"

You accept with a smile. As you get closer to the young man, he seems even taller, you feel a little intimidated but you still join him under the umbrella.

You start walking in silence, your elbows keep touching each other. He suddenly breaks the silence:

"By the way, my name is Yugyeom".

You're glad he said something because if the silence had lasted two more seconds the situation would have become terribly awkward. You tell him your name and the both of you start talking a little about yourselves. You're getting more comfortable and in a matter of minutes you discover common interests and start joking around. 

"Ah, that's it, this is were I live", you say, brutally stopping in front of your building. 

Yugyeom doesn't immediately react and keeps walking on a few meters before realizing you're not following him under the umbrella anymore. When he notices you've stopped, he runs back to protect you with the umbrella. You laugh and thank him. 

Since you left the subway station, the rain seems to have intensified and violent gusts of wind bring rain on you despite the umbrella. You both get closer to the center of the umbrella, seeking more protection, your faces are now really close to each other and you can't help but notice how good looking Yugyeom is. For a moment you're fascinated by his facial features and are unable to move or say anything. He is silent and immobile too, looking at you with his beautiful eyes. 

"I guess I should be going now", says Yugyeom, breaking the silence.

Strangely, you're a little disappointed but you nod.

"Sure, it's getting late, you should go home."

However, neither you nor him start moving, as if you both wanted to have this moment last forever.

"Maybe I could give you my number, I don't know... Just in case you need, well, an umbrella again... I mean, it's stupid... Forget it, I'll get going", he stutters and starts walking away, embarrassed.

"No, no, it's not stupid, I'd be glad to have your number, just in case!", you exclaim, holding him back with your hand on his arm.

He smiles and you take out your phone.

"Here, type your number"

He takes your phone, his hand brushes against yours and makes you shiver. He quickly types his number and gives you the phone back, touching your fingers again.

"I guess I'll see you again then!", he says with a cute smile.

"I guess so!"

You look at the tall young man slowly disappear in the rain with a smile on your lips. 

You never thought you would end up loving the rain.

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