Jinyoung - Asleep

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I turn and turn again in bed, unable to find the perfect position to fall asleep. I try to count in my head but give up at 300. Counting doesn't help. I'm still wide awake. I sigh and open my eyes. After a minute of staring at the ceiling, my eyes get used to the darkness and I am able to distinguish the shapes around me. I turn on the side and contemplate the outline of Jinyoung's body, fast asleep next to me.

I can't actually see his features in the dark, but my brain effortlessly fills the blackness with images of his lovely face. I smile widely and think that I'm definitely not going to fall asleep now, with my heart racing at the mere thought of being next to Jinyoung. His presence will never stop sending chills of delight all over my body.

I decide to quietly leave the bedroom and go watch something on TV. In the middle of the night all the programs should be so boring that they'll probably help me fall asleep faster. I sit comfortably on the sofa and proceed to watch some kind of documentary about nature with the sound off, so as not to wake up my sleeping beauty.

Just when my eyelids were getting heavier, I'm surprised by a pair of arms suddenly wrapping around me. 

"Why aren't you in bed?" asks Jinyoung, with a deep I-just-woke-up voice. He's sitting next to me and looking at me with his eyes half closed, still trying to adapt to the light of the TV.

"I couldn't sleep... Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be noisy..."

"Oh no don't worry, you didn't make a sound. I think my instinct just told me that you were not next to me anymore so I woke up naturally. But now that I see that you're safe, I might just go back to sleep " he answers with a sweet smile, gently patting my head. "And if it helps, you can try falling asleep in my arms this time"

A little wink, and he disappears into the bedroom. I quickly switch the TV off and follow him. 

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