Chapter 2

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"I can't believe we're actually going to Hogwarts and gonna be wizards!" Olivia said, clearly excited. "Okay listen, I know your excited, but can you NOT act like you just had a full cup of sugar?" I said, looking up from my notebook that I was drawing in. We had already picked up Olivia and her older brother Jovan to go to the train station with us, since their mom usually had work in the early mornings.  We had already gotten everything we needed for our first year at Hogwarts, our wands, books, and robes.

Now let me explain our looks, traits, and personalities.

Full name: Olivia Vaughn
Personality: Mean when she wants to be, nice wen she wants to be, memey,Sleeping
Looks: poofy hair that's always in a bun, mixed skin color, brown and a little green eyes
Likes: Drawing, Reading, Sleeping, Animating,Music

Full name: Madelyn Hughes
Personality: Mean, Sarcastic, Weird, Defensive, Rude
Looks: Curly, blonde-brown hair, always has hair in a ponytail, mixed skin, green and brown eyes
Likes: Drawing, Sleeping, Reading, Video games, Music

Full name: Jovan Vaughn
Looks: Pale skin, Blonde and brown curly hair, Tall

"We're here!" My grandma announced. "Now get out bastards." She said flatly. "Rude!" I said while getting out of the car. We all got out of the car and looked for platform 9 and 3 quarters. "There!" Olivia pointed excitedly. "I'm pretty sure we can see it, Liv," Jovan said, dead inside like always. "I have to go back to the house and clean up again... Bye," my grandma said tiredly. "Your not gonna watch your own child become an official wizard?" I said with fake sadness. "Nope." She said, starting to walk away. "That's fine with me," I muttered. We already knew how these things worked, and expected to hit solid wall. Instead, we simply glided through like there wasn't a stone wall there. "Jovan..." Olivia said in a threatening low tone. "You never told me wizards were REAL." She swivelled her head at Jovan so quickly I'm sure she broke her neck. "Boi, you better get your ass on that's train RIGHT now," I told him.

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