Chapter 6

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My P.O.V

"WAKE UP, YOU DOLT!" I heard someone yelling in my ears. My eyes shot open and I sat up. It was Blaise, who was still shaking me. I slapped his arm and glared at him maliciously. He started backing away, bumping into Pansy, who dropped her trunk, which landed on Ron's head, which caused Hermione to yelp. "BLAISE!" They all shouted at once. "Sorry! Jeez," He said. I went over to get my trunk, which was still in the overhead compartment. I grabbed my trunk and walked into the hall of the train, looking at the others. Pansy was helping Hermione with her trunk, Harry was desperately trying to reach his, Draco was waiting with his trunk, leaning on the side of the compartment. Olivia was walking over to me, with her trunk. "My God," she said. "I never knew these were THAT heavy!" She said, putting a hand to her chest and breathing heavily. I went back to watching the others. Draco was now getting Harry's trunk down for him, Harry crossing his arms. Once we were all ready, we all got off of the train at once.

Once we were all lined up with the first years, a man I recognised as Hagrid, started explaining everything we needed to do at Hogwarts, while letting us climb onto the boats. One boat could fit four people, so Olivia, Draco, Harry, and I went on a boat all together.

As soon as we were in the Great Hall, we were lined up with the rest of the first years. There were already other people sitting at the other tables. Gryffindor, the house of bravery, Ravenclaw, the house  wisdom, Hufflepuff, the house of determination, and Slytherin, the house of power. There was also a stool, and professor McGonagall standing by it, holding a worn down hat. "Weasley, Ronald," she called, her voice echoing throughout the hall. As Ron sat on the stool, the hat was placed on his head. After about a millisecond, it called, "GRYFFINDOR!" And he was instructed to go sit at the Gryffindor table. Everyone in the Great Hall clapped, the Gryffindors clapping even louder than anyone else. I wasn't really paying much attention to the other sortings, but as soon as my friends came up, I listened closely, and put them in order.


When it was my turn, I nervously walked up and sat on the stool. As the hat was placed nicely on my head, it spoke to me. "Hmm.. I'm deciding whether to put you in Ravenclaw or Slytherin..." It said, almost sounding excited. "There's certainly slot of courage, but there's also slot of malice... I think you would do good in..." It stopped short. "SLYTHERIN!" It announced proudly. I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down by Draco. I flashed an apologetic glace toward Olivia and watched the other sortings.

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