Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to hearing almost silent crying in the middle of the train ride. I  slowly opened my eyes and put my glasses on, while adjusting to the dim lighting in the compartment. Maddie must have made the lights dim before she went to sleep, I was thinking as I looked around. My eyes locked onto Draco, who was silently sobbing into his arm, which was wrapped around his knees gently. He was sitting in the seat next to me, so I thought maybe just one of them wanted to switch seats. I looked over at him, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Hey, see you OK?" I whispered, trying not to wake up the others. Draco just continued to sob. I got out of his seat and and crouched in front of Draco so that we were eye-level. "Are you alright?" I asked again, still whispering but higher. He didn't stop sobbing but looked at me slowly, like I was going to hurt him if he didn't.

"What's wrong?" I asked him again. "I had a n-nightmare..." He replied, his voice so low it was barely a whisper. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked  nervously. He hesitated and looked away before he shrugged. I looked him in the eye, determined to find out what it was that was bothering him. "My Father was hurting my Mother and I again.." He started. "He usually just hurts us with his cane or just slaps us when we do something wrong, but when Mother forgot guests were coming over and had nothing prepared, he got out Aunt Bellatrix's knife...." He continued before breaking out into sobs again. I held out both arms to hug Draco and he practically flew into me, hugging me tightly like I would disappear any moment. I hugged him tightly, and waited for him to continue his story.

"He stabbed Mother at least three time before moving onto me," he choked out. He took a deep, shaky breath and continued. "He cut my arms up, he stabbed me in the back, and then he was done," He said. "My Mother was screaming at him to stop. But then... That's when she died." He voice trailed off as he broke into fresh sobs. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and we just sat there, in silence.

It was about a good ten minutes before he grew heavy in my arms. I looked at him and he was sleeping, tears still streaming down his face.

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