Chapter 7

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As soon as we got to our dorms, I flopped onto the bed and fell asleep. Nothing else mattered but sleep.

I woke up and saw all of my things neatly tucked where they were supposed to be, and my class schedule on my nightstand. I climbed out of bed, got dressed, and looked at my schedule. I had Transfiguration first, then Charms, Potions, and Divination. Hooray.

As I was walking to Potions, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "You have Potions too?" I turned around to see Roderick standing there, hugging his books to his chest. "Yeah," I said, continuing to walk to Potions. "Hey, wait up!" He said, catching up to me. "I thought you were a Muggle!" He exclaimed, clearly surprised. I whipped around. "You thought I was a useless Muggle?" I said in a low voice. "W-wait, that's not w-what I meant!" He him.," I stood at the Potions door, and put my hand on the knob. "Wait," Roderick said, putting a hand on my shoulder and spinning me around to face him. "We can be Potions partners!" He said, smiling. His face was dangerously close to mine. "Um, s-sure?" I said nervously.

As I walked into the classroom, Professor Snape looked at me, scowling. 3 points from Slytherin for being late," he said, still scowling. I rolled my eyes and sat at an empty table, Roderick sitting next to me. "Your a Slytherin?" He asked, looking at me curiously. I blushed furiously and looked away. "Yes I am. And stop looking at me like that!"

After Divination, I was heading to lunch when I saw Olivia and Bernard walking to lunch together.

Like any good friend,
I decided to third wheel.

I started to walk beside them, looking at Olivia for TWO STRAIGHT MINUTES before she noticed I was there. "When did you get here?" She asked, smiling. I gave her the 'are you kidding me look' and she just sighed. " Okay, let's go to lunch then," she said with a sigh of defeat.

At lunch, I went over to my respected table and Olivia went to hers. I sat down by Draco again and just sat there, my head resting on my arm. Draco tapped my arm quickly. "Maddie," he hissed. I lifted my head and looked at him. "What?" I said, letting my arm fall to my side. "Come with me real quick, okay?" He said, his words rushed. Before I could respond, he grabbed my arm and rushed outside of the Great Hall.

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