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This was so many levels of not good.

First Captain Cold had shown up and now...now the weapon he was to end up with was gone from prototype locker in the Lab. He wasn't supposed to get that weapon so soon!

Eobard fought the panic bubbling in his gut. Carrie wasn't ready to face Captain Cold now.

"How long has it been missing?" He asked Cisco, a hand clenched tightly on the arm rest of his chair. His knuckles were white and he was wrestling with his urge to get up out of the chair and shake the boy violently. He loved him like a son but this was a danger to Carrie he could not permit.

"I....don't know," the young man replied haltingly; there was fear in his voice as he stared into that empty cage.

Eobard took a breath but was unable to keep his voice as controlled as he liked; there was a tightness that caused the boy to flinch slightly. "I'm going to ask you again, Cisco...and when I do I will expect a more specific answer than 'I don't know'. Now how long..." he rolled the chair forward. "...has this weapon been gone?"

"A day? Maybe two?" He made a helpless gesture with his hands and Caitlin was watching them in worry; Eobard studied the open locker, terror making his guts tight. "One of the janitors didn't show up for work this morning. He was probably the one who took it. I didn't think---"

Eobard moved forward in the chair, catching himself before he stood. The motion was instead made to be slamming the locker door closed as he looked at Cisco; he and Caitlin had flinched at the noise and unexpected action. "You didn't think. Because if you had you would have discussed with me first your desire to build something that could in theory hurt anyone and in particular Carrie."

"I'm sorry, if you'd just let me explain..."

Eobard lowered his head, taking a breath in through his nose and letting it out slowly. "You know how I feel about weapons, Cisco. They do not belong in STAR Labs. Now...you are going to figure out a way to locate this gun and you are going to do it right now."

He back the chair up and turned away.

"This thing that you built...." he heard Caitlin asking as he rolled away. "....what can it do?"

It could kill the woman he loved.

And that was not acceptable.

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