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Bette was standing there in the Cortex, staring at her scans on the large monitor. She turned slightly. "Cisco?"

"He's already gone home," Eobard told her as he wheeled forward. He smiled faintly and quirked a brow at her. "Our Cisco seems to be developing quite the crush on you."

"You mean like the one Carrie has on you?" she retorted and smiled faintly. "I'm not sure if I'm prize-winning date material anymore."

"Change is hard." he said. "The same accident that changed you put me in this chair."

She glanced at him, at the wheelchair. "...sorry. I didn't know."

"I didn't share the story with you to garner sympathy. I tell it to you to illustrate a larger point."

"And what point is that?"

"That I would do anything to get back what I lost," he said, his voice tight. He stared at her. "As would you."

"I would," she agreed. "I just don't know how."

He was quiet for a moment, putting the words together as he wheeled the chair forward. "You soldiers, you call yourself sheep-dogs...am I right?"

"Happy and normal until someone attacks our flock," she agreed.

"Every good person who was changed that night, people like you and Carrie...those people are your flock now, Bette. And General Eiling will never stop attacking that flock and you and I both know he always gets his target." He rolled forward again. "Unless you stop him."

Eobard leaned forward in the chair, his elbows on is thighs and fingers loosely laced together, his eyes never leaving her face. He should probably feel guilty for manipulating her like this...but he doesn't. Its not true manipulation when it's the truth.

"You know your duty, Sargent – kill Eiling." he said. "one last mission...and then you go home."

Her posture shifted, the heels of her shoes coming together.

Orders received.

Eobard watched her go and felt a pang of sadness for the fact he was likely sending Carrie's new friend to her death. But it was the only way to keep the woman he loved safe. He hoped she'd forgive him for this, and all his other crimes.

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