Chapter 10: The Meltdown

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Danny carried Mary back to the apartment. Trying to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen. She tried fighting away from him.

"Mary, you can't runaway" said Danny, "Where's John?"

"I don't know and I don't care and I can runaway if I want to, thats what everyone else has done" said Mary.

Danny didn't know what to do. He put her down when they got back to the apartment, but he held firmly onto her hand and dragged her up the stairs. Once in the door Mary broke away from him and ran to her room. Justin just let her go.

"Whats going?" asked Danny to Jenny who was sitting there talking to anther girl, he could tell the girl had been crying.

"Where's John?" asked Jenny.

"I don't know I found Mary running down the street" said Danny.

John then came running up the stairs.

"I can't find her anywhere" said John.

"She ran into me on the street, shes in her room" said Danny.

"Thank God" said John.

"Can someone tell me whats going on?" asked Danny.

"Danny this is my sister Eden, Eden this is my friend Justin" said John introducing them.

They shook hands.

"Nice to meet you" said Justin.

"Nice to meet you to" said Eden.

John went to Mary's room.

"Mary please open the door" he said leaning against the door.

She didn't respond

"Mary?" he questioned.

No answer.

"Danny! get to the fire escape now!" yelled John from the back room. Justin bolted out the door and down the stairs. John was right behind him.

Danny got the side of the building just in time. Danny ran to Mary and grabbed her before she could go anywher else.

She was kicking and screaming. John came around the corner and grabbed her from Danny.

She was still crying and screaming.

He carried up to the apartment without a sound. Once in the apartment, she was still crying. John put her down in front of him, holding on to her arms. Eden, Jenny,  and Danny where in the background watching.

"Mary....Mary.... Mary listen to me!" he almost yelled.

"Eden, is here to help. She wants to fix what she broke. She wants to change things" said John.

"It doesn't matter! She left! She left. I don't even know who she is. I know nothing about her. How am I suppose to forgive someone who left so long ago. I don't remember her. I don't remember her leaving. I don't remember my sister!" she was screaming.

John looked at her with sorrowful eyes.

"Mary I'm sorry for that, but please, we are trying to change that" said John.

"You don't understand! I don't have a real family. You left, Eden left, Mom never really cared or loved me. She never took care of me. I watched as all the other moms at schooled picked my friends up and cared and loved them, but mine never did or does. My dad hates me and hurt me. He never wanted me!" she said as she fell to the ground in tears.

John was put into shock. Eden and Jenny began to cry as the watched. Danny sat in silence.

John went to pick her up, but she pushed him away.

"No!" she yelled.

John stood up straight and walked away. Mary just laid there and cried. In the middle of all this Justin and Charlie walked in. Jenny left to her apartment in tears. Danny tried to stop her. Eden picked up her things and left. Charlie and Justin were confused. Danny quickly explained. Justin went to try and calm Mary, but she pushed him away along with Charlie and Danny. They didn't know what to do. John meanwhile in his room was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall crying with his head in his hands. He was now lost and didn't know what to do. He sat there for awhile, he didn't know how long. No one came in. Everything was silent now. Mary he heard stopped crying.

Mary was now quiet and barely awake just laying on the floor. Charlie went over and picked her up off the ground. He carried to John's room. When John saw him. He got up and took Mary from him. Mary wrapped her arms around his neck. They just down on the bed. John just held Mary.

"Mary I'm sorry that all you said has to be true, but it is. I know I can't fix whats passed, but I want to fix the whats happening now, so the future is better. I know we weren't a family and are barely a family now. But Im going to change that. I want you, me and Eden to be a family. I want to fix things so that you remember your childhood as a going from bad to good not bad to bad. Eden wants this to. Give her a chance. I know your mad at her and you have a right to be mad at her and me, but try to" said John.

Mary sad nothing.

"I will try" said Mary finally.

"Eden left though" said Mary.

"We will find her" said John.

"I hope so, because I need to tell her Im sorry" said Mary.

John kissed the top of her head.

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