A toast to..... p2

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I took my time to walk to the ranch and once I was there I pulled out my favorite horse in the ranch Diablo .

I named him that because he reminded me of Julio.

I settled and rode Diablo to the farthest part of land were I go to shoot. Once I reached halfway I tied him up. Then continued to walk the rest of the way.

I got into the shed and picked out a rifle and made my way out after everything was in place I took my stance and was about to shoot when my nose picked up on his scent. I got distracted and shot the ground.

"Are you sure you don't want to get yourself killed." He spoke


Damn it why is it always cold when he's around.

"Mind yourself Julio."

I didn't hear him answer so I turned around thinking he has left only to find out he was right behind me. I felt his hard chest against my back and I went stiff

This motherf*cker

"Your mouth is quite dirty Delilah." he whispered in my ear sending tingles through me. I shook my head I knew I said that statement aloud because of his answer but I didn't care and replied back to him

"Your arrogance is going to be the end of you Julio."

He didn't answer. I thought it was over but I guess I was wrong and I'm never wrong but hey there's a first time for everything.

He simply took my hands that were attached to my rifle. He straightened my arms position and put his arms on my waist to turn my body sideways

"Shoot." he whispered and I did it hit the target straight on "Good girl." He said.

I turned around and held the gun to him signaling him to take it. Once he did he faced the target.

"When did you learn to shoot Delilah?" his voice cold, even and hard as steel

"It's Esmeralda not Delilah, Julio. And that is non of your business." I told him in the same tone

"Wanna know why I call you Delilah?"

"Sure... why not" I shrugged

"Well the reason I call you Delilah is that Delilah in the Bible was a very cunning woman don't you agree. You remind me of her ." he said

And for the first time today I finally looked at him and I saw his ice cold blue eyes on me staring intensely.

"Well you got that right. I am pleased you take notice of these things or should I say 'attributes'. But the reason I'm like that is because of you my lovely brother." I answered in a sickly sweet smile

"And how is that." He had a smirk tugging at his lips

"Don't start something you can't finish Julio. I'm not one of your many toys you bastard " I said walking around to face him

He smirked at my language and grabbed my arm and leaned in close, "Like I said you have a dirty mouth Delilah. Watch it before I help you shut it."

"Piss off àssho-" before I could finish my sentence he pulled me in and smashed his lips onto mine.

For a moment I was shocked but it passed and I decided to play a little game. I'm a vixen aren't I?

Game on Brother

I licked his bottom lip for entrance and he opened wide I slid my tongue in and we fought for dominance which he won but my plan is still in play

I bit his lip and he let out a growl. I felt like a sinner so I put an end to it by gripping his hair and tugging at it hard he pulled away.

Breathless I said, "Don't forget who I am Julio. Because if you did you are in for a rude awakening."


"Watch your mouth Julio it's quite isn't it dirty. Is that mouth the same one you use to talk to Nana Isabelle with." I said frowning."Shame on you hypocrite."

After saying that I left him to himself and went back to the hacienda.

Lord forgive me I have sinned against you.


"Señorita Esmeralda." I heard a voice call me when I looked up I found Rosemary standing beside my table.

I guess you're wondering who Rosemary is. She is the daughter of Miguel and María. And my closet friend here at the hacienda.

"Yeah Rose?"

"Don Federico Is here and is asking for you."

"Thanks Rose." to that she left the room afraid of my father.

I lifted up my wine that I have been drinking and said

"A toast.... to my screwed up life."

And completely drowned the content out. Let the shit show begin




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