The Proposal

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"Mi amor I'm sorry for all the hurt that I've caused you. And how sometimes I'd let jealousy get in the way of caring for you. I'm sorry but I'm to selfish to let you go." He said and I felt my heart break once more for the man in front of me now


After our touching moment Julio and I were on our way to visit the family jeweller. During the car ride i started thinking about what could happen between Julio and I. The endless possibilities and honestly I'm scared.

I turn my head away from the window and glanced at Julio and at that time he caught my eyes and it felt like all the wind was knocked out of me in that moment and immediately I  turned my head the other way to continue looking at the buildings blurring in front of my eyes.

Julio cleared his throat and that alone gained my attention.

"We are almost at the jeweller. Do you want to go somewhere afterwards?" he asked and that left me dumbfounded. So much so that by the time i snapped out of my daze we were in front of the store.

It was absolutely stunning. It had a homey feel to it but that didn't stop it from looking like a queen could literally live in it. The chandeliers shone bright and blended in with its surroundings.

Julio opened the door and lead me in with his hand on the small of my back at the time i was feeling hot. Too hot for comfort during the time of my zoning out the long time owner of the store found his way to us witha warm smile

"Julio, how are you?" said the owner and it looked like they knew each other really well.

"Mr Garcia I'm doing fine and i see you're taking good care of yourself where's Sofia and Victoria." Julio continue to chat with Mr Garcia and eventually Mr Garcia looked over at me with amazement.

"Julio, who is this fine lady?" he asked

"Oh right sorry Mr Garcia this is my fiancee De- Esmeralda. And Mi amor this is Mr Garcia." Julio introduced

"Well hello Esmeralda." Mr Garcia said excitedly and i didn't know why

"Hi Mr Garcia its nice to meet someone so close to my fiance Julio."

"It's a pleasure Esmeralda and i thought I'd never see the day my boy here would get married."

I laughed neither did i but look at me now i was proved wrong and fate took a sickly twisted turn.

I have an idea if we were to make my life into a movie it should be called Twist of Fate. Yes what a perfect name for this joke i call my life.

''Delilah ¿Estás bien? (are you alright?)" Julio asked

"Si, Julio estoy bien solo cansado (Yes Julio I'm fine just tired.)" I replied

"Okay we'll make it quick. Follow me." Mr Garcia said

Oops forgot that he was still there. Julio and I followed him into a smaller room that was filled with jewels from rubies and emeralds to diamonds. I was mesmerized completely. Mr Garcia brought us to a glass table and underneath were rings he said Julio and I should choose from.

I look at everything and nothing seemed to satisfy me all the rings had big stones attached to them. I continued looking at finally found the one I liked and immediately fell in love with it.

Julio has already gotten his ring and was waiting for me to make my decision. I pointed out which ring I wanted and to my surprise it shocked them I don't know why.

"Mi amor why choose that ring when you have a rarity to choose from?" Julio questioned and it looked like Mr Garcia was about to say the same thing.

"I like it. The simplicity in this ring justifies me and my personality. You should know that by now Julio I'm simple yet elegant. I don't need as huge diamond encasing my fingers." I stated simply and it seemed to put Julio in more of a daze while Mr Garcia recovered from his.

He handed the ring to Julio and guess what he did next. He went down on his knees and said

"Esmeralda Delilah Cambio will you marry me?"





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