I think this is a start of something hilarious

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He handed the ring to Julio and guess what he did next. He went down on his knees and said

"Esmeralda Delilah Cambio will you marry me?"



All the colour drained from his face and I laughed

"OMG I'm joking Julio. Yes I will marry you." I said and if looks could kill I would be six feet under

He's facial expression was so scary it was funny.

"Delilah never do that again." Julio scolded

"Why are you so scared cariño (Honey) I said yes before did I not?" I mused knowing for a fact that I never said yes and Julio knows that too

Julio stayed quiet till we reached the car. I think I pissed him off he deserves it though imbécil (jerk)

Once we got in he turned to face me
"So have you decided as to where you want to go?"

"The beach."

"I'm not going to the beach."


"Look at me," he said and I did realising that he's wearing a suit but I decided to play dumb to get a kick out of him.

"Okay I have looked. What am I suppose to see?"

"You and I both know Delilah."

"Know, what Julio?"

"Don't act so oblivious Delilah. You can clearly see that I'm wearing a suit and you want me to go to the beach."

"Yes I want you to." I replied with a wide grin. I could tell from his facial expression that he was conflicted. I think I know how to get what I want.


Well that was a good try but unfortunately for him... I got nothing to say. All my colourful vocabulary was wasted on this fine specimen

"¡Que no Julio no puedes hacer eso! (what no Julio you can't do that)"

"Oh si puedo mi amor. (Oh yes I can my love.)"


"I have a better place in mind Delilah."

"Where is that? Are you going to kill me? Oh my gosh I'm to young to die. Please don't kill me. Oh Lord please forgive all my sins. Please save me I promise not to have dreams about Chris Hemsworth or Cole Sprouse even though they are hot and oh my gosh have you seen Theo James? I mean of course you have you made him. Wait what was I saying before... Oh yes help me. I'm to young to die but you can take my teddy. I'm sorry teddy it's me or you." I started talking rubbish and I could see that myself but I couldn't help it.

I didn't even notice when the car stopped or when I stopped talking but then noticed that something soft was on my lips and I saw that Julio was leaned in and the soft thing on my lips was his lips. Ha jokes it was his index finger gesturing me to keep quiet.

I felt my heart pick up speed and I tried to look away but my eyes were having none of that. They stared deeply into my fiance's eyes. And again I was pulled into a tide. I noticed that the more I fight against it I get tired so I flowed with his raging current.

Julio leaned back seeing that I'm quiet and had stopped my unnecessary ramble. And my blush creeped in.

"No Delilah I will not kill you" he said out loud "yet" he whispered but I caught on.

"What was that?"

". Nada cariño, solo digo que hemos llegado a destino (Nothing darling I'm just saying we have reached out destination)" even though I knew he was lying I wanted to get out of the damn car. So the first thing I did without thinking is open the door and I tried to get out but I couldn't. I started panicking and don't ask me why.

Julio leaned in and my breathing faulted even more. He suddenly looked me in the eye and whispered

"Shhh Delilah, You're going to be okay. I'm right here"

Then all of a sudden I felt free only to realize that my seatbelt was the thing that was holding me

Julio sat with me till I calmed down. He pulled me I'm for a hug and I melted. I was nearly on the verge of tears but eventually I did.

I cried and cried I don't know for how long but then I heard Julio say something.

"Geez woman... How have you not run out of tears?"

At that I laughed and chocked. You know that feeling that you get when you've been crying a while and someone just made you laugh. Well that's what I'm feeling. I wiped my tears and Julio gave me his handkerchief to blow my nose.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to go back home or shall we continue our day out."

"You mean date?"

"No I said day out."

"Julio nobody says day out anymore."

"Well I do so let's go. We don't want another attack now do we?" Julio winked and joked about it.

"It's not funny."

"Of course not..."


"It's hilarious."he barked out laughing as my cheeks changed its colour.




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