Falling for him i think not... not yet

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Julio followed...He followed...He always had


That made me think deep. In all the years away from the hacienda he always came back even though he hates this place... I wonder why




I turned to face him with an impatient mood. He looked blankly at me but his eyes held a very dark intensity that made me want to run away from him but go straight into his arms I hated how he made me so confused with actually doing anything. I got lost but found myself again and decided that the tension in the air needed to go

"Julio do you have a map?" I asked patiently awaiting his answer.

"Why would you need a map Delilah?" he questioned surprising me... I thought he'd snob me like he normally does.

"Because I keep getting lost in your eyes and no cheesy pickup line intended." I stated not knowing what came over me

"Is that so?" he questioned chuckling and walked up to me like a preditor when it sees its prey right where he wanted and was ready to pounce.

His scent is so intoxicating that it sent my body into overdrive. I couldn't do anything but nodded my head foolishly earning a smug smirk in my direction. He moved closer and I receded. This kept going on until I felt my back it the wall. He trapped me with both hands resting on the wall by my head.

He leaned in and I took advantage of that time to look at his lips. The lips that took my first kiss. The lips that made me sin and the lips of my future husband. The lips I've tasted so many times it makes me feel that honey isn't all that sweet anymore. I wanted to taste it without feeling guilty like I've sinned.

He lowered his head and his mouth brushed my lips but didn't linger for long. He placed kisses on my jaw and it took everything in me not to moan so I bit my lip to stop the sounds. He moved to my ear kissing it.

"I want to hear you say my name amor."

I opened my neck more

I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed him by his collar and smashed my lips on to his. He growled in acceptance and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grind on him. I could feel myself getting wet and him getting rock hard making me moan when I came into contact with it. He growled in warning but I payed no heed to it.

When we finally broke apart to get air into ourselves I noticed that we were breathing heavily and our lips were swollen. I couldn't get over how he tasted. He tasted like cinnamon and mint. Now my favourite flavour.

"I hate you." I said to Julio and watched as his eyes seeped sadness and I watched how they hardened.

"I hate how I feel intoxicated with you. I hate how your voice sends chills up my spine. I hate that you're the only one that calls me Delilah." I broke out

"I hate how I'm saying I hate you when in actual fact I can't stop thinking about you. How your lips taste or how when you touch me you leave the fire to consume me." I didn't notice that I started crying until I felt Julio wipe my face.

"Mi amor I'm sorry for all the hurt that I've caused you. And how sometimes I'd let jealousy get in the way of caring for you. I'm sorry but I'm to selfish to let you go." He said and I felt my heart break once more for the man in front of me now




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