Don Frederico

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"Well I do so let's go. We don't want another attack now do we?" Julio winked and joked about it.

"It's not funny."

"Of course not..."


"It's hilarious."he barked out laughing as my cheeks changed its colour.


"Julio stop making fun of me."

"How can I not... I mean did you see your face?"

I chose to ignore him and turned my head the other way to avoid looking at him.

"Lo siento.(I'm sorry)" Julio said. I turned to look at him and he tried to keep his face neutral but I could see his lips twitch.

I turned right back around and marched away then I heard Julio shout ' you're going the wrong way.' and I spun on my heels with my head and chin reaching the sky as if I wasn't in the slightest bit embarrassed.

"I knew that."

He slipped his hands around my waist as I passed by him.

"Mi amor-"

"No let go of me or Lord help me I'll cut off your baby maker." he immediately let go of me and he looked scared.

I continued walking -even tho I had no idea where I was going- ignoring Julio

"Delilah! Don't walk away from me. Delilah! I'm counting to three get your ass back here woman... 1... 2... 3... Esmeralda"

That stopped me dead in my tracks. A shiver ran down my spine and I froze, the whole world coming to a stop.

Julio caught up to me taking his sweet time to soak up my reaction and whispered in my ear.

"Oh Delilah... If only I knew your own name frightened you..."

"I'm... I'm... Not scared of...of my own name." Damn why am I stuttering

"Are you sure Esmeralda?" Chills. I swear his voice became huskier and who knows how long I could keep standing on my feet

I'm stuck. Completely and utterly stuck it's ridiculous and ludicrous.

"Shall we move on." I said as I finally managed to form a coherent sentence after whatever just happened.

Out of nowhere I started hearing music play and let's just say that I thought I was going crazy.

Then after a few seconds of staring aimlessly at everything I finally realized that it was my phone. Estella was calling.


"Esmeralda please come back home something is wrong with father. I'm scared."

"Don? What happened to him?" that happen to catch Julio's attention and he stared fixedly at me visibly confused. He looked cute

Hold up did I just say cute?

"He was mad when you and Julio walked out this morning and started throwing things around."

"What happened next?"

"He started cursing and fell to the floor really hard and knocked his stupid self unconscious." I heard a soft chuckle and a frustrated sigh from Estella.

I chuckled too

"We are on our way home."

"Thank God I can't handle this stress. Bye."

I hung up. Julio is waiting for me to tell him what happened to Don Federico.

"Don got pissed. His body couldn't handle the aggravation and he stupidly got himself unconscious so we need to get home."

Julio laughed. I must admit... was I  shocked? Nope

"Ah... mi amor. I guess what I said this morning did damage." I narrowed my eyes at him and asked

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing too serious."

"Julio Salvatore Cambio tell me now."

"Feisty, I like it."

"Arrogant, I hate it."

"I am not telling you what I said. Now let's get a move on."

As we started heading for the car it started pouring heavily and seeing what I was wearing Julio gave me his jacket and was only left with his white Polo shirt. We got back to the car and silently drove home. As we pulled into the driveway I reached for the door to leave the car Julio grabbed my face and kissed the living daylights out of me. But before I could kiss back he pulled away.

"Damn I have been waiting to do that." he said. But as soon as he did he exits the car leaving me frozen for the millionth time today.

"Screw you Julio... You piece of meat." Fine meat but meat nonetheless

I found my way inside the house to meet a deranged Estella smiling at me.

"Thanks Mel for getting here fast. I need sleep."

"Did you call the family doctor?" she nodded her head yawning. So I let her go back to her room to sleep

I don't know what to expect from Don. He is an unpredictable man.

I heared footsteps on the staircase.

"Delilah, mi amor go and rest I'll ask Nana Isabella to make you some tea."

"No I'm fine." I pat the space next to me and Julio sits down. I put my head on his shoulders and he wraps his arms around me tightly like a blanket.

"Julio, how's Don?"

"He's okay" and whispered 'unfortunately' I chuckled.

"I know this is not the right time to bring it up but... Julio what did I ever do to you that you hated me strongly for so long?"

I felt him go rigid and felt the room temperature rise.

"No Delilah I will not tell you"

"Why Julio?" I sat up. Now I was mad.

"You don't deserve to know." he said and abruptly stood up and left.




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