chapter four ◊ ruof retpahc

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 The Grim Reaper is at the side >> (for those who don’t know who—or should I say what he is)>

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“Y-Y-You would think h-he would live i-in a m-more expensive h-home.”  Everything seemed more concentrated; The locking car's beep beep, smell of the bakery across the street, and the crunch of leaves under my boots; was I once human? “J-Jessie?”

“Don’t call me that,” I hissed.  He naturally took a step back, tripping on the curb before stumbling to regain himself.  I glanced down at him, sighing.  “Although I love your new profound attitude, I’m not loving this whole stutter thing.” 

“I-I can’t help i-it,” he said, thumbs dwindling with his shirt. 

Amused, I gave him a slap on the back.  “Whatever floats your goat.”

“I-Isn’t it float your—”

“Just don’t stutter around my ex.  He can smell fear.” 

Isaac’s eyes were big enough to pop off his face and I just smiled.  “I’m surprised you haven’t tried running yet.” 

His hands disappeared into his pockets, eyes finding interest in the sidewalk crack.  “I-I have n-nowhere else to go…”

“True.”  I popped open the trunk and unzipped the mystery duffel bag.  I found a thin pink button down that dropped past my shorts. Sighing, I told him not to move and climbed into the trunk.  Stripping off the bloody tank, I threw over the button down and kept on my combat boots.  I hopped out of the trunk and dropped the bloody clothes in the public garbage bin.  “Now shall we pay my ex a visit?”  I gestured Isaac to go ahead.  “Ladies first.” 

He gulped nervously, and missed one step, bashing his knee on the cement before awkwardly getting onto his feet.  He adjusted his glasses to soak in the attached suburban condos, red bricks and flower pots perched on white window sills.  A metal staircase climbed to the next floor which I assumed was his neighbour’s entryway.  I moved past a locked blue bicycle and watched the gust of wind hit a small rainbow windmill, spinning into a kaleidoscope of blurs.  I wondered why we haven’t entered and noted Isaac hadn't even knocked.

“You gonna do something or are waiting for the door to speak?” 

“Hello!” chirped the door. 

Isaac jumped and laughter immediately exploded from the other side.  “Don’t scare the poor kid,” I smirked as the door opened.

Twinkling sapphire eyes that belonged to my ex gleamed with enjoyment.  “C’mon, Hat.  It was bloody hilarious.  The kid is so jittery.” 

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Isaac’s hand, pulling ourselves in the condo.  Instantly I rummaged through his orange juice stained fridge and scooped up the bottle of gin, using my heel to kick the door shut. 

“Even when we’re not together you still take my alcohol,” my ex said. 

I winked and chugged a mouthful of bitter sweetness before wiping my lips across my arm.  I swung it towards him.  “Isaac, this is the Grim Reaper, aka Grim.”  I pinched Grim’s cheek and cooed, “Or my little tulip.”  My ex pushed me away and I told him, “Grim, this is Isaac.  A loser I picked up at the bottom filth of McDonalds.” 

Grim placed his hand for a shake.  “Isaac.  Isn’t he a part of quantum physics and developed theories of force?” 

Isaac tuned out his introduction, occupied by Grim’s appearance.  I couldn’t help but take in my ex-boyfriend’s looks either. There was no shame in checking out an ex you haven’t seen in a year. 

Mad As A Hatter (Completed 2015) [WATTY AWARD WINNER *Featured Story*]Where stories live. Discover now