I Still Love You (Dean x Reader)

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Summary: You hunted with the Winchesters a few years back but left after getting to overwhelmed. Once the Winchesters step back into your life and you end up staying with them for a few months that's when you fall in love all over again.

Warning: Fluff


You've been hunting with the Winchesters for a while. You left them once before but you came back. Before they came back into your life, the last time you saw them was when Dean came back from purgatory. A few years after you left they came back into your life. You were working on a case. You were trying to kill a werewolf when you ran into them and once again you saved their asses. After that hunt you guys went to a diner and talked about how everything was. They never brought up you leaving, never asked why. Honestly you didn't know why. You were just so overwhelmed with everything that was going on you couldn't take it anymore and you had to get away, but you never thought that you would leave for that long.

You didn't even think you were gonna leave at all. You were glad that you ran into them though because you missed them, especially Dean. You two had a thing before you left. You loved each other and it was obvious just by the way you'd act around each other. You would even sneak into Dean's room in the middle of the night just to cuddle with him or vice versa. You guys always tried to hide that you were together but it was impossible because every time you tried to deny it, Sam just knew. You two were in love but you would never admit it. You two always said 'I love you' to each other but you never actually talked about being in love. Dean was scared to fall in love and so were you. He said he was poison and that if he even tried to get close to you, you'd end up hurt. He probably thought he was the reason you left in the first place.

You were at the bunker and you were in the library with Sam and Cas reading books of lore to find out what the hell it was that was killing those innocent people. While you were reading some slightly loud footsteps caught not only your's but Sam and Cas' attention as well. You all looked up to see Dean walking up the three little steps.

"Hey Sammy can i talk to you for a sec?" Dean asked.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Sam asked.

"Can i talk to you privately?" Dean asked.

"Um okay..." Sam said.

He got up and followed Dean out of the library. You and Cas just looked at each other confused.

"What was that about?" You asked.

"I have no idea" Cas said beginning to read again.

"Okay...?" You mumbled.

Dean's POV-

He asked Sammy if he could speak to him privately because he didn't know what to do. He was just falling in love with you all over again, but it's not like he ever fell out of love. You left one day and they never knew why. He kind of wanted an explanation but he also kind of didn't because it's in the past and all that mattered is that you were there now. Sam and Dean walked into the kitchen and Dean turned to him.

"Hey dude what's up? Why are you acting so weird?" Sam asked.

"Sam i need your help or advice o-or something man" He said a little frustrated.

"Why? What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"It's (Y/n)" Dean said.

"You still like her?" Sam asked.

"No Sam, I freaking love her" Dean said.

"Wow Dean, i never knew" Sam said trying to be a smart ass.

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