You Will Not Hurt Her (Castiel x Reader)

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Summary: You and your boyfriend of 7 months argue constantly and he always puts his hands on you, But this time it got worse. He hurt you real bad and the boys didn't like that especially Castiel. The boys didn't like the idea of you having a boyfriend but it seemed that whenever you came home to the bunker crying or hurt Castiel would always know what the truth was. You either told them that you fell or some other stupid excuse but Cas always knew you were lying.

Warning: Mention Of Abuse, Cursing, Fighting


You and your boyfriend Nate got into another argument tonight. You walked in on him with a another girl and then he tried to lie about it and say she was just a friend even though they were having a heated make out session. You tried to break up with him then and there and that didn't turn out so well. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you up against the wall and yelled at you, telling you that you two would be together forever. He then threw you on the floor and kicked you in the stomach. Then he punched you in your face, probably leaving you with a black eye. Then he put his hands around your neck. He struggled to breathe until you kicked him in balls. He groaned in pain and let go of you. While in pain you got up as fast as you could and ran to your car. As you ran you heard him yelling at you and calling you names. You got in your car and drove off.

"God Dammit!" You yell hitting the steering wheel with tears streaming down your face.

When you go to the bunker you put on your hoodie and sunglasses. You walk inside and see the boys in the war room.

"Hey (Y/n)" Sam says.

"Hey" You say quietly.

"Why do you have sunglasses on. It's raining outside and your inside" Dean says.

"I-i don't know. The sun was out" You say. You could hear the pain in voice.

"You okay" Sam asks.

"Yeah i'm fine" You say smiling weakly.

"Where you coming from" Sam asks.

"Nate's" You say.

"Okay i'm gonna ask you again, are you okay" Sam asks.

"Sam seriously i'm fine" You say.

"(Y/n) take off your glasses" Dean says getting up.

"Why"  You ask.

"Because i said, take them off" Dean says walking closer to me.

"Dean i don't need to" You say.

Dean quickly gets closer and rips the glasses off of your face. He saw the tears streaming down your face. His mouth hangs open a bit and he pulls you in for a hug.

"(Y/n) did he do this" Dean asks and you could hear the anger in his voice.

"Dean i-it doesn't matter" You say.

"Yes it does (Y/n) this has been going on for far to long and i'm tired of you trying to hide it from us" Dean says pulling away and looking into your eyes.

You then heard a flap of wings behind you. You turned around to see Castiel. He tilted his head in confusion but when saw noticed you was hurt his facial expression changed to worry and anger. He rushed over to you and was checking your body to see if you had any other injuries but when he went to lift your shirt you stopped him.

"Cas don't" You say.

"Cas" Dean said.

Cas nodded and he was stronger than you so you couldn't push his hand down. When he saw what had happened he was in shock. Sam and Dean rushed over to you and they were in shock as well.

"Put the hood down" Sam said.

That was the worst part. You didn't want them to see the bruising around your neck. If they knew that you could have died they would kill Nate and then blame themselves for not being there to protect you. Since your the youngest, all three of them feel that they need to protect you no matter what, they say it's their job.

"No" You say.

"(Y/n)" Dean says.

"I said no" You say.

You started to walk away trying to rush to your room when you felt a hand grab your wrist. You turned around to see Cas. You saw that he was in pain from seeing you this way.

"Please let me see" Cas says.

You sigh and slowly push the hood off of your head.  All three of them surrounded you and saw the bruise that you had around you neck. Castiel put his hand on your neck and caressed his thumb over the mark and you winced and then he pulled away.

"He did this"Cas asks.

You nodded slowly. Castiel put two fingers to your forehead and healed you and then he started to walk away.

"Cas where are you going" You ask.

"To give Nate a taste of his own medicine" Cas says.

"I'm coming with you" Dean says.

Cas nods and they both walk out of the bunker door.

"Sam we have to go get them" You say.

"We can't stop them" Sam says.

"I can" You say.

You made your way towards the garage and grabbed a pair of keys off the rack. You walked into the garage and hopped into a truck starting it up but before you drove off Sam opened the door and hopped in.

"So your coming" You ask.

"Well you can't hold back both of them on you own" Sam says.

You smiled a bit and drove off. You went to Nate's house and once you go there you saw Dean just punching him. You and Sam got out of the car quickly and Sam pulled Dean off of Nate. When Nate wet to punch Dean you jumped in front of him causing Nate to punch you. You Castiel out of the corner of your eye. He walked up to him and punched him. Then kicked him and Nate was still kicking. He wasn't Dead. Yet. Cas used his powers this time. There was a blue light that glowed on his hands and his eyes glowed blue and he slammed him into his car. He was about to do it again until you stopped him.

"Cas stop" You say stepping in front of him.

"Why" Cas asks in anger.

"Because this wont make it any better just stop, please" You say.

Cas moves me out of the way and rushes over to Nate. He grabs him by the front of his shirt and Nate looked terrified.

"You will not hurt her! Do you understand" Cas yells.

Nate just nodded.

"I didn't hear you what" Cas adds.

"Y-yes i u-understand" Nate says.

Cas lets him go and throw him to the ground. Out of no where Castiel turned around and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"Don't get mad, I did this because i care about you and i don't want anything bad to happen to you ever again (Y/n)" Cas says.

"I'm not mad Cas, i'm just glad you came when you did" You say.

Castiel healed you ad put two fingers to your forehead.

"Let's go home" Cas says.

"Yeah let's go home" You say smiling.

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