I'll keep you safe (Jared x Reader)

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Summary: You were out spending time with your step dad Brian. Your mom begged you to bond with him so she basically forced you out with him. You went out to eat and went to a bar. He always gave you weird vibes and the way he looked at you or talked to you made you feel uncomfortable. It was almost like he was flirting with you? He got way to drunk and drug you out of the bar after some time someone stepped in and saved your life. Next thing you know your asking that someone to adopt you.

Warning: Sexual Assault, Attempted Rape, Abuse



A few years ago your mom and dad got a divorce because he cheated and then he found out that your mom was cheating as well so they were both in the wrong. The divorce ruined you. You hated your life and the way you had to live it, especially when Brian came into the picture. He was weird and he always tried to control you and tell you what to do like you were his kid. You didn't like that at all and you didn't like him. He proposed to your mom after 2 years and you didn't want him to become your step father, but your mom loved him so there wasn't really anything you could do. 

Your 16 you can't just say 'Hey mom i don't like your husband i'm moving out' and your dad is over 1,000 miles away. He hasn't spoken to you since the divorce and honestly you didn't really think he wanted to. You thought that he probably had a new family and a new daughter. He probably had everything he ever wanted and everything wasn't you. He left and he wasn't coming back. You wouldn't have anywhere to go if you were to leave so the only thing you can do is stay with them

You were in your room watching supernatural when your mom walked in and started begging you to go spend time with brian. You wanted to say no, but even if you did she'd still force you to go with him. So you got up and got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Brian's waiting in the car" She says.

"Okay, bye mom i love you" You say.

"Mhm" She says paying no attention to you.

You walk out of the house and over to Brian's car . You get in and he smiles at you in a creepy way.

"You ready?" Brian asks.

"Y-Yeah so where are we going" You ask.

"Some place special" Brian says.

Brian pulls out of the driveway and starts driving. He pulled into a fancy restaurant and it was probably expensive . You weren't even dressed correctly.  You had on a red flannel with a 'Love Yourself First' shirt and with black jeans and tims. You weren't expecting this.

"This place is kind of fancy for just...bonding" You say.

"Well i like it here. You will too" Brian says winking at you and getting out of the car.

You sighed and got out of the car. Once you got over to Brian he put his hand on your back and it was lower than it should have been. You got scared and tensed up. You walked into other restaurant and saying it was just fancy was an understatement. It was like people held business meetings here...like rich people. There was a lot of older people with really nice suits and the women were wearing nice dresses and heels and You were just casually dressed. While you were getting seated there was a lot people just staring at you and giving you dirty looks. 

You sighed and just brushed it off. You didn't notice that Brian was dressed nicely to. He wasn't in an expensive suit or anything, but he was dressed nice enough to fit in.  You on the other hand did not fit in. The waiter came up to your table and he was staring at you like you had two heads. Do i really look that bad?  You thought to yourself.

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