Sabrina the Teenage Witch

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"I'm the man who restored your life. Don't tell me you don't remember..."

One month earlier...

"Another day, another spell casting class. Ugh, this is so boring... When are we gonna learn something fun? These spells are so childish!"

"Chill out 'Sabrina' we'll learn the cooler stuff later, they just want to teach us the basics."

"Millie, please stop calling me Sabrina. Her spells were lame just like her. All I want is some excitement! Is that too much to ask?"

"What are you blabbing about now Korie?"

"Oh! Hey Tina! She's complaining about not having an exciting life or some such mess." Millie said.

"Shut up! I am complaining about how boring this class is. These spells are childish AF! I want to learn how to switch bodies with people or how to shape shift. All we're learning is how to turn water into wine like we're Jesus or something."


"Ughhh.. You've done it again Korie." Millie whispered.

"Is there a problem here ladies?"

"Uh no... Mrs. Westwich. Just conversing." Tina said.

"Well converse on your own time. Practice the invisible wand spell like I told you."

"But why must we learn this? When will it ever come in handy?"

"Shh Korie!" Millie said going into a panic.

Mrs. Westwich turned around gazing directly into Korie's eyes...

"If you have a problem with the spells Miss Potter, then please escort yourself from my class. Everything I teach seems to be completely useless to you anyway so no need to be here."

"Excuse me, but my name is Miss Adams not Potter."

Mrs. Westwich rolled her eyes as she let out a deep sigh...

"I know that Miss Adams. But since you're acting like Harry Potter I might as well call you Miss Potter. Now, are you going to practice or go?"

Korie dropped her head knowing that her parents would kill her if she left.

"I'll practice." She groaned.

"Good! Get busy!"

"Good...get busy." Korie mocked under her breath.

"Korie, you have got to stop challenging Mrs. Westwich. She may be the one to save your life someday." Tina said.



Another week had come and gone-- it was now the weekend. Korie was up in her bedroom playing around with different spells from her workbook and searched the internet for more mature spells that caught her attention.

She had a tough time finding anything so she gave up and decided to visit a chatroom specifically for amateur or first level witches and warlocks created by her friend Ted.

Wicked Witlock Chatroom:

KorieLuvsDorie: "Hi everyone! The party's here!"

MillieRock99: "Hey Korie!"

TinaRusso: "Korie's here!"

TedsNotDancin: "Yay!"

KorieLuvsDorie: "Anything new?"

TedsNotDancin: "Not really. Just bored. But I'm glad you all are here. I do have a story to tell you."

MillieRock99: "Oh no, what'd you do now Ted?"

TedsNotDancin: "What?! What makes you think I did something?"

TinaRusso: "Because you're you."

KorieLuvsDorie: "LOL"

TedsNotDancin: "Hardee har har! Seriously, you girls will enjoy this story. It's about a new guy who started at my school on Tuesday."

TinaRusso: "Oh!"

KorieLuvsDorie: "I'm all ears...or eyes...whatever LOL"

TedsNotDancin: "Okay well, his name is YoonGi Min. He's from Daegu, South Korea and he has this real mysterious bad boy persona about him."

MillieRock99: "Of course he does. They all do when they're the new guy."

TedsNotDancin: "Yeah, but I don't think it's an act. I think he's a part of The Four Fathers Gang."

KorieLuvsDorie: "Really? What makes you think that?!"

TedsNotDancin: "Because they showed up at the school and he was talking to them like he'd known them for years."

TinaRusso: "Maybe they are his relatives. Doesn't mean he's in the gang. Those are some dangerous and powerful warlocks!"

TedsNotDancin: "I know, that's why I'm kinda scared to talk to him! What if I say something wrong and he turns me into a turtle or something?"

MillieRock99: "Hahahahahaha!! A turtle Ted?"

KorieLuvsDorie: "Oh! Can I call you Cecil?"

TinaRusso: "Nah, Slo-mo McGee! LOL"

TedsNotDancin: "Ha ha ha. Very funny guys. But seriously, what do I do?"

KoreLuvsDorie: "Oh, just calm down Ted. He can't be that bad." 

TinaRusso: "Yeah, if he scares you that much, just stay away from him and keep to yourself."

TedNotDancin: "I guess you're right. I'm sure he's a decent guy."

MillieRock99: "That's the spirit! Just chill out. You're probably freaking out for nothing."

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