Kiddie Spells

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Four hours later...

"Thank you so much for the cake and ice cream mom and dad. And the card was beautiful. You didn't have to give me any money. I know how hard you guys work for it. I'm appreciative of the roof over my head."

"Hahaha. We have such a sweet kid. Don't worry about the money Korie. You're 18 now, that's a big deal for witches!" Her dad said.

"Do you feel any different yet?" Her mom asked.

"Nah. I feel the same."

"Well, now you're able to cast any spell you like."

"No I'm not." She muttered.

"What was that?" Her dad asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Thanks again. I love you. I think I'm gonna go for a walk to the park. It's a beautiful evening."

"Okay honey. Be careful out there. I heard The Four Fathers are hanging around again. Stay safe."

"I will mom. I'll be back later."


While at the park she sat on the swing mentally practicing spells and mimicking her finger as the wand.

"Ugh. So stupid. I hate these spells." She thought.

"I hate kiddie spells also."


Korie placed her hand on her chest.

"Gosh, you scared the crap outta me!"

"Hmm...well, you better clean yourself up."

"Funny. Who are you?"

"Wow. Not only don't you remember me but you don't waste any time in asking do you?"

"Well, when some warlock shows up out of nowhere reading my mind I like to know who is in my presence "

"Oh, well pardon me ma'am. My name is YoonGi Min."

"Nice to meet you YoonGi Min."

"And your name is?"

"Korie... Korie Adams."

"My pleasure Korie. You really don't remember me do you?"

"Sorry, am I supposed to?"

"Ah! Oh! My heart. Such a beautiful girl breaks it."

She smiled, "Okay well, I've got to go."

As she stepped off the sandy playground walking away from him, YoonGi appeared in front of her in the speed of light.

"Whoa! Sheesh! Warlocks man. Do you all do that just to show off?"

"Maybe. Are you impressed?" He smirked.

"Why is he so friggin cute!" She thought.

He chuckled.

"Stop reading my thoughts! Gah! This is why I don't date guys like you."

"Guys like me? What am I like?"

"Like how you are! Arrogant."

"I'm not arrogant. But if I gave you that impression I apologize and will never act that way again."

She didn't know whether to take him seriously or not.

"I sincerely apologize. Do you forgive me Korie?"

Her heart fluttered when he mentioned her name again.

"Ye-Yeah, I forgive you YoonGi." She blushed.

"You're cute." He chuckled.

Korie groaned and rolled her eyes walking away from him.

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