Park Hyung

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YoonGi closed his eyes then waved his wand in a circle chanting the spell for teleportation. Within a few seconds he appeared in front of the Dragon's Den club. He folded his wand and placed it in his back pocket for safe keeping.

When he approached the entrance he was stopped by two body guards who wanted to check him for any weapons. They'd found his wand but the man he spoke with over the text yelled over that it was okay for him to keep it. The stranger felt that he wasn't much of a threat without his actual wand.

"If he's letting me keep mine, I wonder if Korie has hers?" YoonGi thought.

"Come on in Stachi-- oops, I mean YoonGi. Have a seat."

"Where's Korie? And who are you?" YoonGi demanded.

"I told you, she and her mother are safe."

"Give me your word that they truly are safe!"

"Ahh...Fine. You have my word as a member of The Warlocks that no harm has been done to neither Korie or her mother."

"Good. Now who are you?"

"Stachi you never cease to amaze me. How do you not recognize your own cousin?"

He squinted his eyes to help focus his vision. The club was so dim it was hard to see anyone.

His cousin made a candelabra float in front of his face exposing his true identity for him to see.


"Park Hyung! I-- I thought you were dead. Didn't Chul Gi kill you?"

"Stachi, we're warlocks and therefore immortal. Nothing kills us...not unless we are burned OR you use that special wand of yours."

"So...what do you want with me?"

"I want you to tell me where that wand is."

"I don't know where it is. And even if I did, do you honestly think I would tell you?"

Park Hyung chuckled with a devilish grin.

"Heh heh.. If you want to save Korie and her mother, you'll tell me where it is. I will not ask again."

"I'm telling you Hyung... I don't know where it is!"

"Okay. Suit yourself. GENTLEMEN!"

Suddenly the guards headed toward a dark hall...

"What... What are you doing?!" YoonGi/Stachi asked in a panicked voice.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head. It'll all be over soon."

Screams could be heard coming from the back of the club...


Stachi lunged at Park Hyung but two of the guards held him back.

"Let him go." Park Hyung commanded as he extracted his wand.

"Don't hurt them you bastard!"

More screams rang out..

Stachi angrily took out his wand aiming it at Park Hyung who in return did the same.

It was now a battle to the death as far as Stachi was concerned.

"I will kill you where you stand Hyung...tell your men to leave them alone."

"You think that because you are who you are that you can tell me what to do? I CONTROL WHAT GOES ON IN HERE! I AM THE BOSS! I AM THE HEAD! I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA IN THIS MOTHER F**KER! YOU DON'T GET TO MAKE THE DECISIONS AROUND HERE, I DO! Now... before I dislocate your body limb from limb, tell me... where. is. that. wand?"

Stachi still had his wand aimed at Park Hyung full of rage. "Show them to me and I'll tell you."

Park Hyung sighed and annoyingly dropped his hand that held the wand...

"Ugh! Stachi, spare me with the cliche' compromises! But fine!...BRING THEM OUT!"

The guards shoved Korie and her mother out of the dark room where they were held into the dimly lit area.

"I can't see them Hyung!"

Park Hyung irritated, waved his wand to turn on a brighter light.

"Yoongi?! YoonGi! Help us! Please!" Korie pleaded.

"Don't worry Korie, I will! I promise I'll get you both out of this! But I need to know where my wand is!"

"Your-Your wand? You're holding it in your hand YoonGi." Korie said with tears in her eyes.

He dropped his head then slowly lifted it hesitating to say much more...

"No Korie. MY wand. The one that you said your father had on the wall in a glass case."

"But that's not yours, that belonged to your father Stachi. Didn't you say that?"

"Yes, I know what I said and the thing is... I am... Stachi."

The Four Fathersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن