Daegu Dangerous

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"How's your dad?" Millie asked.

"I wouldn't know. He's been gone a week and I haven't heard anything. I don't think my mom has either."

"I'm so sorry dude. The council can be so ruthless. I remember when they took my uncle. When he returned home he wasn't the same. Whatever they do to people in there leaves them paranoid once they're out."

"Thanks Tina. What a weight off my shoulders."

Millie shoved Tina.

"But really guys, mom and I are okay now. Just taking it one day at a time."

"Have you heard from YoonGi?" Tina asked.

"No. Not since the night he freaked out about my dad."

"Did you ever figure out why?"

"No! He asked me what my dads name was and said he looked familiar from a photo that belonged to his dad."

"Hmm...strange." Millie said.

"All of a sudden, the council showed up at our house. But you know what? There was a strange man standing outside the night before just staring at our front door. I have no clue who he was."

"Whomever it was was probably the one who led the council there!"

"Maybe. I just keep feeling like my dad was set up. My dad has never used his powers for anything malicious. He's so careful and makes sure that I'm careful! It just doesn't make any sense."

"Well keep in mind Korie, this happened before you were born. Who knows what your dad was like in Daegu." Tina said.

"Yeah. You're right."

"Text Ted and ask him if he's spoken with YoonGi. He must know something!"

"Good idea Millie."

Korie typed a message to Ted asking about YoonGi. Ted immediately responded giving her YoonGi's number with a message telling her to text him herself.

She wasn't sure if Ted was upset or sincerely helping her but she did type a message to YoonGi asking if he knew what was going on.

YoonGi: "Meet me after school. Make sure to have your wand handy. You may need it."


"What? What's the matter?" Tina and Millie asked.

"He wants to meet after school and make sure to have my wand with me."


"YoonGi? YoonGi?! Where are you?" Korie arrived at the meeting spot which was an alley behind his school.

She tried to say his name as quietly as possible as to not catch anyone's attention.

"YoonGi! Yoon-"

A hand was placed over her mouth pulling her backwards into a hidden room YoonGi made appear using a spell.

Korie let out muffled screams trying to fight off whomever grabbed her. Once inside the room, he let go of her. She turned around startled to see that it was him.

"What the hell was that for you warlock a-hole! I've told you about showing off!"

"I'm not showing off, I wanted to get you quiet!"

"Well all you had to do was say hey Korie, SHH! You don't put your hand over someone's mouth almost smothering them! Sheesh!"

"I'm sorry."

Korie drew her attention to the room...

"What is this place?"

"I made it up using a spell my father taught me before he died. He told me, if I ever want to run away and be alone to use this spell and my own private room would appear. I used to always hide out this way when I wanted to read alone or just clear my head."

"That's awesome. Do you know any transporting spells?"

"Transporting?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah. Like transporting yourself to the beach or another country-- stuff like that."

"I think you mean teleport."

"Oh! Well, yeah. Same difference."

"Yes, I know how."

"Really? Could you teach me please??" She asked fluttering her eyes.

"Someday. Right now we have something more important to discuss."

"Okay. So, why did you want to meet me and bring my wand?"

"I needed to talk to you in person. It involves your father."

Korie gulped then waited for YoonGi to continue.

"Back in Daegu, my dad Min Stachi, was the head of The Four Fathers gang. Your dad was his right hand man. I don't remember much about my dad, I was 5 when he died or so I've bee told but according to my brother our dad got into some trouble with the leader of The Warlocks gang by the name of Park Hyung. Long story short, your father cast a spell on Hyung that caused him to choke to death and apparently he did it just so he could stop bothering my father. But unfortunately as a retaliation my father was murdered by The Warlocks and made your father watch the whole thing. Chul Gi, your father, was beaten and left to take the blame for my fathers murder. When he came to, they'd burned my fathers body leaving the gas can in Chul's hands."

"I knew it! I knew he had to have been framed!"

"Yes, but he still killed someone it just wasn't my father."

"Okay, but so why do I need my wand?"

"Some unfamiliar members of The Warlocks showed up unannounced at my house a few days ago wanting to know if we knew where to find Chul. My brother and I set it up to have friends of ours pretend to be the council to get your dad out of your house to protect him."

"Wait, what? You did that?! Do my parents know?"

"Yes, they were alerted ahead of time. My brother stopped by the night before to tell your father the plan."

"So that's who that guy was I saw staring at our front door. He was talking to my dad!"


"But, why didn't anyone tell me?"

"It was for your own protection. We didn't know who was watching so we had to make it look as real as possible. The Warlocks have eyes everywhere."

"So what... Do I need my wand for protection in case someone is watching right now?"

"Yes. When we leave here, you will need to be on high alert."

"But I-I don't know many good spells. All I know is how to make my opponents wand disappear and how to form a wall of smoke."

"Well, although those may come in handy, I'll be with you to walk you home just in case."

"Okay. Ugh, my nerves are going crazy right now."

"Just relax. Everything will be okay. Don't worry. We should get going though. We need to get you home with your mother. She's a mortal and needs all the help she can get. The Warlocks love mortals."

He took Korie's hand leading her out of the door back into the dark alley.

"Come on, let's go!"

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