Mind Reader

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A few weeks later...

It's Jan 12th, Korie's 18th birthday. And it wasn't just any 18th birthday, this was her day of confirmation. The day she became an official witch.

"OMG Korie, are you freaking out or what?!" Millie asked as she squealed in excitement chasing behind Korie down the sidewalk.

"Meh, just another day to me."

"Oh come on, you're going to be a full fledged witch. No more amateur stuff for you... That's a big deal!"

"Not to me, Tina. It's not like I can use advanced spells. I still have to use this baby crap."

"Well, enjoy your day regardless. I won't be able to make your party. Tonight is family time." Tina said.

"Oh crap, I can't come either Korie. Ted and I have a gathering to attend with our family as well." Millie said.

"You and Ted?"

"Yeah, we're cousins remember?"

"I don't think I'd ever known." Korie shrugs.

"Oh! Well, no biggie. But I'm sorry."

"No problem you guys. Like I said, it's just another day."

"There's my mom! I gotta jet! Have a good evening Korie and again happy birthday! I love you!"

"Love you too Millie!"

"I'm catching a ride with her mom as well so I'll talk to you later Kor!"

"Later Tina!"

As Millie's mom drove off, Korie continued her walk down the sidewalk heading home. She was approaching the warlock school and she absolutely hated walking past it because the guys were such a-holes. But she couldn't avoid it so she took a deep breath and kept her eyes ahead of her.

Just as she walked past the entry gate the wolf whistles began. She rolled her eyes and groaned but kept going by without interacting.

"Hey! Hey sexy! What's your name? Hey!"

One boy ran from behind the gate yelling at Korie's back as she continued ignoring him.

"Okay then...be a b*tchy witch then. You're ugly anyway!"

Korie stopped in her tracks...

"What did you say?" She asked as she turned in his direction.

The boy's eyes stretched proving that he's never been in this situation before which made him nervous.

"Uh...uh... I said..."

"I know what you said. Wanna say it to my face?" She asked as she walked up to him now standing toe to toe.

The beads of sweat formed on the boy's forehead. He didn't know what to do or say.

"Now now. Let's calm down little lady."

"I'm not a little lady." She said through gritted teeth.

"Okay. Well whoever you are, just back away from my friend and no one will have to get hurt. He was just kidding anyway. He's a kid, he doesn't know any better."

"Well next time tell this kid to keep his mouth shut if he can't say anything nice. That's not how you talk to ladies you little twerp!"

"Alright. You heard the lady. Now apologize to her."

"I... I'm sorry."

"See, he's sorry. Let's let bygones be bygones okay?"

Korie looked at the other young man doing all the talking and the expression on her face changed. She began to blush and a feeling of nervousness hit her.

"Oh my-- he's cute!"

The young man looked at her with a smirk on his face leading her to believe that maybe he read her thoughts.

Flustered, she quickly put her head down then turned to leave.

"Wait! What's your name?!" The young man yelled.

She walked so fast she was too far ahead to hear his question.

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