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"Wait up! May I escort you home?" He asked.


"Yeah. What, did I say it wrong?"

"No. I just don't hear people saying that nowadays. It's nice."

"I'm glad you like it. So may I?"

He extended his arm for her to take hold of as they walked together and she did accepting his offer.

They took a slow stroll back to her house having a humorous conversation getting to know each other. As they talked Korie's mind started to wander and she finally realized where she'd heard his name before.

"YoonGi... You're YoonGi!"

"Uh, yes. That's me!"

"No. A friend of mine named Ted goes to your school and he mentioned you a few weeks ago."

"Oh yes! I know Ted. Cool kid."

"Ha! Well at the time he told me about you he was terrified of crossing you."

"Really? Why?"

"He said that you're friendly with The Four Fathers gang."



Korie hesitated to ask her next question but she gave in...

"Why do you hang out with them? I mean, are you in the gang?"

YoonGi glanced at her with a cute smirk on his face.

"You-You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said nervously.

"No. I'm not. My older brother is. He transferred to this gang from the Four Fathers of Daegu when we moved to America."

"Oh wow. Why did you guys move here? Why didn't you stay in Daegu?"

"You're a curious little cutie aren't you?" He asked pinching her cheek.

"No... Well, yeah curious but not cute. So why?"

"My brother got in trouble for using his powers against his own. That's the rule in The Four Fathers, never use spells against each other whether for good or for bad. Don't do it. He killed his best friend out of anger over a girl."

"Oh, my goodness! But he was able to join the America Four Fathers gang? Don't they know what he did?"

"Yes. But since it happened in another country it doesn't count with this gang. They accepted him with open arms and they seem like pretty good guys despite what the people around here think."

Korie was so enthralled in the conversation that she didn't notice that they'd been walking in circles passing her house at least twice.


"Well, thank you for 'escorting' me home. It was nice getting to know about you and your brother."

"My pleasure."

YoonGi could see Korie's parents through the living room window. When he noticed her dad he nearly lost it. He caught himself and placed his hand on his head. Korie's back was turned so she didn't see his reaction.

"Uh, Korie! Wait, before you go inside may I ask you a question?"

"Um, sure. Go ahead."

"Where's your dad from?"

"South Korea. He migrated here about 25 years ago. Why?"

"What's his name?"

Korie's expression became one of confusion.

"Why YoonGi? What's wrong?"

"I saw a man, assuming he's your dad, through the living room window and he looked familiar to me from pictures I'd seen from my brother. The photos belonged to our dad."

"Ah okay. Well my dad's name is Chul Gi."

{Chul Gi means Iron Rising}

YoonGi's eyes widened...

"Listen, I'm sorry to hurry but I gotta get home. It's so late."

"Oh... uh, okay. I'll see you again right?"

"Yeah maybe. Good night! Happy birthday!"

"How'd he know it's my birthday? Ugh! He read my mind again!" She muttered.

He ran down the street rushing to meet up with his brother. He had something important to tell him.

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