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Korie eyes widened. "What? No. Stachi is dead. Your father is dead. You told me that. You said my dad was falsely accused of his murder. You're a student at the warlock school YoonGi! If you were Stachi you'd be too old to attend that school as a student!"

"I never said I was a student there Korie. Your friend Ted said that I was a new guy there. Which could mean anything-- in this case it means that I teach at the school."

"What?! You're a teacher?!"


Korie was stunned.

"Okay! Cut the crap! Where is the wand!" Park Hyung was beginning to lose his patience.

"I don't know where it is either. I swear." Korie said while visibly shaken.

"What about Mrs. Adams over there? HEY!"

Mrs. Adams jumped after being startled by his yell.

"Do you know where the wand is?" He continued.

She turned her head away...

All of a sudden he flew at her.

"You do know where it is, don't you?" He asked as he placed her under a spell forcing her to gaze at him.

She was now in a trance.

"Leave her alone." Korie said trying to force herself away from the guards holding onto her.

Park Hyung glanced at Korie, "I'm not doing anything. I just asked her a question." He said with that sly smirk of his.

"Back off Hyung!" Stachi yelled.

Park Hyung gently stroked Mrs. Adams cheek with his wand making her as uncomfortable as possible just to get her to talk.

"Are you going to tell me or not Mrs. Adams? Where is it?"

She tried her best to keep her mouth shut.

"WHERE?!" He yelled.

At that moment Stachi flew at Park Hyung knocking him to the ground.

The guards began to attack but Stachi twirled his wand as he recited a spell causing the men to become pillars of salt-- disintegrating before everyone's eyes.

The guards who held Korie and her mother let go of their grip joining in on the attack.

As they ran at Stachi who was wrestling with Park Hyung on the ground, they were instantly set on fire.

Stachi, Hyung and Mrs. Adams were shocked to see the sudden flames. It was Korie who set them ablaze.

Korie, was also surprised to see that she held that kind of power. She then turned her attention to Park Hyung who now had Stachi pinned down.

"Get off of him." She said to Hyung.

"Haha. What if I don't want to?"

She aimed her wand at the bar causing it to explode. Glass, liquid and shards of wood flew everywhere.

"If you don't want that to happen to you, you'll get off of him ...NOW!"

Park Hyung slowly let go of Stachi, picking himself up off the floor with his hands raised.

"Back away." Korie said with her wand still aimed at him.

Mrs. Adams helped Stachi off the floor pulling him behind Korie who kept her eyes on Park Hyung who's hands were still raised.

"Stachi. You're really leaving me hanging like this... After I brought you back to life? You owe me!"

"What do I owe you Hyung? You only brought me back to take my power away. You wanted to be the head of The Four Fathers but on your own terms! That's why you started The Warlocks. You wanted to be in control of everyone. And your mindless minions obliged. You can't have my wand Hyung and as long as I live... you never will."

A snarl-like expression appeared across Park Hyung's face as Stachi, Korie and her mother turned to leave.

All of a sudden Park Hyung ran to grab his wand off the floor...but Korie quickly turned around...


Park Hyung was electrocuted by Korie's spell causing him to glow and explode into nothingness.

All that was left of him was his wand that no longer held any power.

Stachi approached Korie from behind, "Come on, let's get out of here."

She folded her wand placing it back in her pocket and Stachi did the same.

The Four FathersWhere stories live. Discover now