The Heat (I)

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Nova's POV

I stand up and look at him, in utmost shock

"I told you, I would come for you" Ivar says as he walks towards me as every bone in my body shakes

"How..did you?" I ask as my voice shakes

"Turns out, English are not that smart" He scoffs, "and it also turns out that I don't rest till I get what I want"

"Turns out, English are not that smart" He scoffs, "and it also turns out that I don't rest till I get what I want"

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"I warned you, to stay away" I say

"Don't tempt me my goddess, you know I cannot stay away from you" He walks closer to me as I walk backwards

"I don't fear you" I say sternly as I fake my courage

"You don't have to, what kind of husband will I be if my wife fears me?" He walks closer

"A better one than an absent one" I say foolishly

His expression changes to anger, as I take more steps back till I reach the end of the room and at the sill of the window

I hesitate as I look backwards, death seems sweeter to me than being alive at the moment

"Trust me you don't want to play with me right now" Ivar says

"I am not playing, I am asking you to leave!" I yell, "GUARDS!" 

Ivar starts laughing and it boggles my mind

"I love how gutsy you are" Ivar scratches his chin, "I love everything about you" 

"Ivar please, don't make it hard for me and leave. I want nothing from you" I say as my hands shake and my lips become cold

"But I want you, you are my wife" Ivar says with an evil smile

"But I want you, you are my wife" Ivar says with an evil smile

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"Ivar I can't" as I finish my sentence

Ivar syncopates his body onto mine


Ivar's POV

I hold her as tight as I can, the way that body feels. 

So soft and so fragile...

Her skin makes me hallucinate...

"Ivar please" She says but I don't listen. I don't want to listen.

I lick her neck as she clings onto my shoulder, I slide her a little up and smell her neck and hair

She smells like lilies in the warm sun

"I missed you so much" I say as I bite her neck and she moans

"Ivar please, don't" She says as she applies her feeble force with her hands

"I want to, I cannot help it" I say as I close my eyes and feel every part of her body

I keep kissing her skin till it becomes pink, I move her chin to look towards me and she finally looks at me with those big brown beautiful eyes carrying the moonlight in them

"Ivar, what are you doing?" She whispers

"Claiming what is mine" I smirk as she closes her eyes

"Kiss me baby" I say as she opens her eyes and look at me

"Ivar..." She says feeling defeated, "You should go" 

"I am taking you with me then" I whisper onto her skin as she rests her hands on my armoured chest as we stand by the window

"I won't come" She says

"Why?" I try to keep my anger under control, "You have to" I command her

She avoids looking into my eyes but I move her chin towards me, "Look into my eyes and TALK" I order and my voice shakes her

"Do my words mean nothing to you?!" She blasts

"Don't make that face, I swear on my gods I will fuck you right on this floor" I point to the floor as I smirk

She doesn't know how pretty she looks when she is angry

"Go away" she pushes me but I hold her arm

"I won't, try me" I hold he as she try to move

"Now who are you going to call? The catholic cunt Alfred?" I laugh

"Ivar, stop it" Nova says but rather calmly, still trying to push me away

"The more you resists, the more it tempts me" I push a strand of her hair backwards under her ear

"You are powerless right now, Give up" I banter 

She pushes me more but its like a fly hitting my metal armour.


Nova's POV

He looks into my eyes, with his deep blue one. He let's out smile from his pink lips as he looks me like he has never seen me before, and holds me like his hands have been itching to hold me

Nobody told me mad love is the most painful thing in the world

His eyes and words make me want to fall for him all over again

My heart is ready to hurt again

If I had another heart, my body would give it to him freely, for him break it all over again.

That is what bad boys do, make you fall in love with them again and again

"If you are done thinking then may we?" Ivar rubs the back of his hands against my cheek as he bites his lips

His warm lips are an inch away from my cool ones.

His warm lips are an inch away from my cool ones

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"May we what?" I ask and as soon as the words leave my lips Ivar takes my waist and throws me on the bed.

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