update//life message to people.

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*this book is not ending

Now usually when I do an update chapter I delete it because it will only be for that short while, but this chapter will be here to stay in this book for as long as this book stands because it's something that a lot of people need to hear.


You need to learn to love the people around you more than you think you do, because one second they're right in front of you and the next second there gone and the pain it leaves people with is beyond compare.

There's different types of love for people but all of those loves lead to one thing LOVE FOR ALL. You need to love everyone even that one person you utterly hate, love them because at the end of the day you'll regret not loving them.

Go up to somebody, anyone and tell them you love them or give them a hug cause life is too short to waste not loving people. You could change how that person feels that day just by telling them that when no'one else tells them that.

I love you, all of you and I think you all deserve to know that.

Please never take life for granted. Live your life to the fullest, make memories and be kind to people because kindness can change the world.

And instead of complaining of things you don't have think about the things you do have like your friends, family and pets etc. They are way more valuable than any materialistic thing you could ever have, honestly speaking.

Do GOOD for the world and help others because the best way to give back is by helping others. You don't have to be a millionaire to make a difference even just smiling to someone can make a difference, donating a dollar to help children and adults around the world get clean water can help as well.

Spread kindness around the world, appreciate the people you have, don't forget to tell them you love them and be kind.

Take care and be safe and I know I've said this a lot but please just say I love you to everyone and your love ones. Tell it to them before you sleep, when you wake up when you leave them, just tell them.

With love

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