Chapter One - Invitation

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At Aizawa's home, Itachi and his father were training. Itachi was still thinking about that anonymous request he and Kisame got. 

Aizawa: Still thinking about that internship?

Itachi: Don't you think it's strange that a Hero Agency would sent an anonymous request. 

Aizawa: I've seen stranger things, but nothing like this. 

As Aizawa said this, a knock came at the door. It seemed unusual for someone to knock at his door at 7 at night. Aizawa opens up the door to see Integra at the door. 

Integra: Are you Shota Aizawa? The Pro Hero known as Eraserhead?

Aizawa: I am. Who's asking?

Integra: My name is Integra Hellsing of the Hellsing Organization. Is your son Itachi here?

Aizawa: He is. What do you want?

Integra: I'm here to talk about your son's internships. May I come in to speak with him?

Aizawa nods as he lets Integra in. The three soon take a seat at a table in the living room. 

Integra: It's good to finally meet you in person Itachi. Your performance at both USJ and the UA Sports Festival were extraordinary. Not to mention your work as the Phantom.

Hearing that stunned both Itachi and Aizawa. That secret was left only with Class 1-A and the fact that Integra knew of this information shocked them. 

Itachi: How do you know?

Integra: It's my job to know these things. Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I take it you received my invitation.

Itachi: So it was you who sent that anonymous request. Is it the same with Kisame, Sasori and Deidara?

Integra: Yes. I see potential in all four of you for not only the Hellsing Organization but to the Akatsuki Initiative. 

Hearing that confused them. They had never heard of the Hellsing Organization, let alone this Akatsuki Initiative that Integra spoke of. 

Aizawa: I've never heard of the Hellsing Organization. 

Integra: We are what you would call a Hero Organization over in England. We serve the Queen and we protect the public from all sorts of villains and threats.

Itachi: Why are you here in Japan?

Integra: That is classified. What I can tell you is that the Akatsuki Initiative is set up as a Proxy for the Hellsing Organization. I've already spoken with the other three. They've all accepted. Will you accept Itachi Aizawa?

Aizawa: Give me and my son a moment to discuss this. 

Integra: Take your time. I am in no rush.

Aizawa and Itachi move into the kitchen to discuss Integra's offer.

Aizawa: So you're thinking about this Akatsuki?

Itachi: I see no reason not to. This Integra knows that I was the Phantom.

Aizawa: Take care of this. Something's not right about this. I don't trust this.

Itachi: Is there much choice, the internships start tomorrow and I've yet to choose a Hero Agency to intern for. And besides, Kisame joined them too. I see no reason why not to. 

Aizawa: Your call kid. Just be careful.

After discussing, Itachi and his father returned to the living room to give his answer to Integra.

Itachi: I accept your offer.

Hearing this pleased Integra. She then pulls out a red ring with the kanji symbol for scarlet and hands it to Itachi. 

Itachi: What is this?

Integra: This ring is a sign of your membership into the Akatsuki and by proxy, the Hellsing Organization.

Itachi takes the ring and puts it on his right ring finger. 

Integra: Welcome to the Akatsuki Itachi Aizawa. We look forward to working with you. 

Aizawa: So you intend for this to be a long term deal Integra? 

Integra: Do not worry. Itachi and Kisame Hoshigaki will still be able to maintain their studies at UA. Same with Deidara and Sasori. 

Aizawa: Does anyone else know about this or is that classified as well?

Hearing that comment made Integra let out a small chuckle.

Integra: Principal Nezu knows of this as well. He's approved of this. I came to him before recruiting them. 

Itachi: So when do we begin?

Integra: Your internship shall begin tomorrow after school. You'll go to this location. 

Integra then hands Itachi a paper showing the address of the Hellsing Organization hideout. As Itachi looked at the address given to him, Integra gets up from the chair and leaves. As she leaves, Itachi continued to look at the piece of paper with the address written on it. 

Aizawa: I still don't understand why the need for secrecy. 

Itachi: Perhaps she has her reasons. As for the internships, I just have to prepare myself for whatever this Akatsuki has planned. Maybe they're after Wrath as well.

Hearing that brought concern to Aizawa as he saw that ignited fire of his desire for vengeance in his son's eyes. 

Aizawa: Be careful kid. I don't like this one bit. 

Itachi: I will Dad. 

Aizawa: I need some sleep. You should get some too. 

Itachi: You're right.

As Itachi slept, Integra returns to the hideout where Nagato and Konan are waiting for her.

Konan: How did it go?

Integra: Perfectly. They all accepted. 

Nagato: So now the number of the Akatsuki is now eight. 

Integra: Exactly. Prepare yourselves for tomorrow. We'll see if my instincts about them are true or not. 

Nagato and Konan then leave for their quarters. As they leave, Alucard teleports into Integra's presence. 

Integra: How fares the search for Wrath?

Alucard: There's not a single faint trace of Wrath. I must say, Wrath knows how to disappear! 

Integra: Continue your search. In the meantime, we have new recruits for the Akatsuki.

Alucard: How wonderful! I look forward to seeing what these new recruits bring to the table! 

Alucard then teleports away while Integra prepares for the arrival of the new recruits for the Akatsuki. 

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