Chapter Twenty Two - The Next Step

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After Itachi's fight with Wrath, Itachi reunited with the rest of the Akatsuki who stood in the ruins of the hideout. 

Kisame: Looks like you made it, huh Itachi?

Itachi: It would appear so. 

Nagato: What of Wrath? Were you able to capture him?

Itachi: No. He escaped. 

Upon hearing this, Nagato was disappointed. The mission to capture Wrath ended in failure as he escaped. 

Deidara: So we came down all this way for nothing? Just our luck....

Hidan: Who fucking cares?! I got my fill of sacrifices! I spilled so much blood that I'm sure Lord Jashin will be please! 

Kakuzu: What now?

Nagato: There is nothing more we can do at the moment. We will fall back to our base where I'll report to Integra. 

Soon, the Akatsuki returned to their base. As they did, word reached that All Might's climatic battle with All For One forced him to retire. While most of the Akatsuki were recuperating, Nagato and Konan reported to Integra via phone. 

Integra(Phone): Status report. 

Nagato: We were unable to capture Wrath. It seemed that he knew we were coming. 

Integra(Phone): This is disturbing. It seems Wrath has a farther reach than I expected. With All Might's retirement, Hero Society will be vulnerable. 

Konan: We will do whatever we can to stop him, ma'am. Wrath won't evade us for now. 

Integra(Phone): I expect nothing less. 

As Integra spoke with Nagato and Konan, Itachi and Kisame were speaking with Deidara and Sasori about what transpired. 

Kisame: I never thought I'd see the day that All Might would retire. It's rather strange. 

Sasori: This changes everything. I'm sure that the League of Villains will capitalize. Maybe Wrath as well.

Deidara: You really think so? All For One's done. The League's without their leader.

Itachi: I wouldn't underestimate our enemies. We have to be ready for anything they might plan. 

Sasori: I agree. We can't get comfortable. 

As the four UA students spoke, Nagato and Konan gathered them along with Kakuzu and Hidan to go over the next step. 

Itachi: What's our next move?

Nagato: Wrath will no doubt see All Might's retirement as an opportunity. We must be prepared for whatever he's planning. 

Itachi: He's planning something called the the Day of the Golden Dawn. 

Deidara: Well that's ominous....

Nagato: That is troubling. We'll do whatever we can to find out what Wrath is planning and stop it. That is the best we can do. 

Konan: In the meantime, you four will continue your studies in UA. As for Kakuzu and Hidan, you two will be our reconnaissance unit into Villain activity. 

Kakuzu: I trust my fee will remain the same?

Nagato: Of course. 

Hidan: As long as I get my sacrifices for Lord Jashin, I don't fucking care what you people have me do!

After that, the Akatsuki were dismissed. Outside the base, Itachi met with Kisame. 

Kisame: Quite the day, wasn't it?

Itachi: You could say that. 

Kisame: Tell me something, did you manage to get a peak under Wrath's mask during the fight?

Itachi: I was able to damage it, but I couldn't get a good view on his face. All I was able to see was one of his eyes. 

Kisame: Anything to go on?

Itachi: One of his eyes had a Sharingan. 

Upon hearing this, Kisame became interested. Hearing that Wrath shared the same ability as Itachi caught his attention. 

Kisame: Well that makes three people. You, your dad and now Wrath. This has become quite interesting. 

Itachi: Let's just hope we're ready for what's next. If Wrath's plan is half as dangerous as he claims, then Hero Society will be in serious danger. 

Kisame: And that's why we're here. To make sure Villains don't get their way. Hehe. 

Itachi chucked at his friend's words. Despite the dire situation, Itachi remained optimistic. Meanwhile, Wrath arrived at a backup hideout where the Disciples of Wrath greet him. 

Kimimaro: We are honored to see you safe, Lord Wrath. 

Wrath: It seems the tide is turning. 

Sakon: We've already learned that the Symbol of Peace has been forced into retirement. Hero Society is vulnerable. 

Kidomaru: And so the game has become much more interesting. 

Jirobo: Then what are we waiting for?! They're weak! Their pathetic Symbol of Peace is gone! I say we go crush them! 

Tayuya: There's still Pro Heroes that can easily cause some problems you idiot!

Wrath: Now now. While Hero Society is vulnerable, it is far from weak. With All Might retired, Hero Society will be on guard. But it will not matter. For when the Day of the Golden Dawn is upon us, no Hero will stand in our way. 

Kimimaro: We faithfully serve you, my lord. 

Wrath: We are in the final stages of completion. Our ambitions will soon reach it's climax and you will all be there to help me create a new world from the ashes of the old world. You should all be proud for your part in the Day of the Golden Dawn. For you will usher in a new society of peace and prosperity. As my disciples, you will ensure a safe and prosperous society. 

In that moment, the Disciples of Wrath became ever so faithful in their master. Wrath felt pride in his plans. For in his mind, a utopia was nearly in his grasp. The Day of the Golden Dawn was near and Wrath would see it to it's end. With time against them, the Akatsuki now race to prevent total catastrophe. 

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