Chapter Seventeen - The Akatsuki Assembles

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After the League's attack on the training camp, Integra gathers the Akatsuki in the hideout to discuss their next plan of action.

Itachi: What are we going to do about Bakugo?

Integra: A Pro Hero team led by All Might will track down Bakugo. We have a different mission.

Kisame: And what would that be? 

Integra: We've finally managed to track down the location of Wrath and his accomplices. He's operating in an old abandoned warehouse located in the outskirts of Hosu City. 

Upon hearing this, Itachi became even more focused on this mission. This was his opportunity to find Wrath and bring him to justice for the murder of his mother all those years ago. 

Deidara: So we're finally staking on the big guy, hhm? 

Sasori: It would appear so Deidara. 

Kisame: Now what about those lovely people back at the Training Camp? I imagine they'll be attending?

Integra: Yes Kisame. We also have intel that a sizable force is stationed within the hideout. 

Upon hearing this, members of the Akatsuki soon realized the gravity of this mission. Despite their powerful Quirks, they knew it wasn't going to be an easy mission. 

Hidan: Do we get to kill people or what?! It's been too long since I've made a sacrifice truly worthy of Lord Jashin!

Hidan's outburst silenced the room. Alucard lets out a chuckle as Integra decided on an appropriate action regarding Wrath.

Integra: You are all authorized to attack with extreme prejudice. If you can, bring Wrath alive. All else is under your watch. All I ask is that collateral damage be kept to a minimum. 

Kakuzu: We'll see about that.

Integra: Due to...unforeseen events abroad, I must take my leave along with the other Hellsing members back to England. 

Seras: Sorry to drop this on you, but we really need to go!

Alucard: But it was....truly enlightening. 

D: Remember your training. 

Integra: With that being said, I'm am assigning Nagato as the leader of the Akatsuki. 

Upon hearing this, Nagato was taken aback. He had never thought he would be a leader of any kind of team. 

Nagato: I'm....I'm honored Sir Integra. I won't fail you. 

Integra: Good luck Akatsuki. We will maintain communication despite our absence. 

As Integra said that, she along with Alucard,  Seras and D leave the hideout to handle the situation back in England. After that, Nagato assembles the Akatsuki to formulate a plan. 

Nagato: We'll no doubt be outnumbered. If we're going to take Wrath, then we need to plan this attack carefully. Itachi. Kisame. What can you tell me about these Disciples of Wrath?

Itachi: They're as powerful as they are loyal to Wrath's cause. They seem to operate better as a unit rather than individual fighters. 

Kisame: They have some rather powerful and formidable Quirks. I imagine they'll pose quite the problem on us. 

Nagato then took a moment to think up of a plan to handle both the Disciples of Wrath and Wrath himself. Nagato did not want to go into a fight of this magnitude without a proper plan. 

Nagato: We'll have to launch a multi front attack to prevent any escape attempts. Hidan and Kakuzu, you two will cover the west side of the building.

Hidan: Leave it to us! Let the sacrificial ceremony begin! All in the name of Lord Jashin! 

Kakuzu: Let's just focus on the mission at hand Hidan. And Nagato, just because Integra is gone doesn't mean I stop getting paid.

Konan: Don't worry Kakuzu. You'll continue to get your pay. And remember Hidan, no collateral damage. 

Hidan scoffs at this. 

Nagato: Deidara and Sasori, you two will cover the east side of the building. 

Sasori: This will be a perfect opportunity to test my new puppets. 

Deidara: I'll blow them away with my art! Hhm!

Nagato: Itachi and Kisame, you two will cover the back of the building while Konan and I will cover the front of the building. 

As Nagato laid out the plan for the assault, the Akatsuki prepared for their attack on Wrath's hideout with the intention of capturing or killing him. The Akatsuki knew fully that an invasion on the hideout would no doubt be a difficult one. As Itachi gets his equipment ready, Kisame walks up to him. 

Kisame: Quite the mission we're heading off to would you say?

Itachi: If we're lucky, we end this. 

Kisame: Don't mean to bring the mood down, but if by some chance one of us doesn't make it, it's been fun teaming up with you!

Itachi chuckles at his friend's comments. But as he does that, his thoughts fell on both his father and Yaoyorozu. He remembered how his last encounter with Wrath ended. 

Itachi: If I don't make it, I want you to tell father and Momo how much I care for them. 

Kisame: I will. You know, they say you don't know what kind of man you are until the moment of your death. In that moment, you find some form of clarity about yourself and the life you led. 

Itachi was taken aback by this. The normally laid back Kisame had just laid out a deep philosophical statement. 

Itachi: And what you think will be in store for us? 

Kisame: If I'm being quite honest, I don't know. I guess we'll find out when that day comes. 

After that, Itachi and Kisame met up with the Akatsuki and prepared for the assault on Wrath's base. The Akatsuki was now assembled and ready for their fist mission. 

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