Chapter Twenty - Holding The Line

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As Wrath took Itachi away, the rest of the Akatsuki were surrounded by Wrath's shadow creatures. 

Kisame: Looks like we're boxed in with no way out. Any ideas?

Hidan: Ideas?! We kill em all! 

Deidara: That's a dumb idea! Not all of us are immortal! Maybe you and the ragdoll can do shit like that, but certainly not us!

Kakuzu: If you have a better idea, then feel free to share with the rest of us. 

Nagato: We have to hold the line! Whatever these things are, we must defeat them!

Hidan: These soulless shells won't be sufficient for Lord Jashin! But they'll have to do! 

Kakuzu: Just focus on the fight!

Nagato then saw the shadow creatures forming weapons from their arms. He quickly realizes that these creatures would put on a fierce fight. 

Konan: Nagato? Should we spread out?

Nagato: No. They have the entire building surrounded. Wrath planned this. We'll have to make a stand. Akatsuki! These things aren't alive! Don't hold back!

Sasori: This will be the perfect time to test out the full capabilities of my puppet. 

Deidara: And an even better time to show off my art!

Nagato: Akatsuki! Attack!

As Nagato gave his orders, Sasori sent his Third Kazekage Puppet to attack some of the shadow creatures with a barrage of Iron Sand. The Iron Sand restrains some of them. 

Sasori: Deidara! If you would be so kind....

Deidara: Not a problem Sasori my man. Prepared to be blown away from my art! 

Deidara then creates several small clay birds and tosses them at the bound shadow creatures. He then detonates the birds, creating a large explosion. 

Deidara: Ha! 

As the smoke clears up, it is revealed that the shadow creatures were unharmed by the attack. 

Deidara: That's not good.....

Sasori: It seems it's not going to be as easy as one would assume. 

As a Deidara continued to throw clay birds at the shadow creatures, one of them was about to ambush him when Kisame rushed to his aid and knocked it away with Sharkskin. 

Kisame: Watch your back Deidara. Can't protect you all the time!

As Kisame said that, a shadow creature was about to ambush him. Deidara retaliates by throwing a clay bird on the creature and detonates it. 

Deidara: Funny. I was about to say the same thing!

Meanwhile, Hidan and Kakuzu stand back to back as the creatures swarmed them.

Kakuzu: Looks like we're in quite the tight situation. 

Hidan: Tight situation?! You're acting like these fucking soulless shells will actually kill us! Get a fucking clue! 

Kakuzu: Time to see if your Lord Jashin is actually worth anything. 

Hidan: Ha! I'll show you the error of your blasphemy! I will complete Lord Jashin's will! Even these soulless shells will fall beneath Lord Jashin! 

Hidan began slashing wildly at the shadow creatures while Kakuzu uses his Earth Grudge Fear Quirk to extend his arms and attack the shadow creatures from a distance. As the fight dragged on, Nagato and Konan fight on. The number of the shadow creatures seem endless. 

Konan: There's too many of them! None of our attacks are doing anything!

Nagato thought of a plan as he foguht off the creatures. As they surrounded Nagato, he turned to Konan. 

Nagato: Konan. Get the Akatsuki out of here now!

Konan: What?! I'm not leaving you behind!

Nagato: I'll be fine Konan! I have a plan. 

Konan didn't want to leave Nagato by himself. Despite his Quirk, she still feared for his safety. The loss of Yahiko all those years ago weighed heavily on her mind. 

Konan: Please Nagato....

Nagato: There's no time Konan! If we don't act quick, we'll be overwhelmed! Now go! 

Despite her hesitations, Konan trusted Nagato's judgement. Konan used her Origami Quirk to launch herself and the rest of the Akatsuki out of the warehouse. 

Kisame: What's going on?!

Konan: Nagato ordered a full retreat. 

Deidara: And what about Nagato? 

As the Akatsuki made their get away, Nagato focused the power of the Deva Path to create a black sphere in the center of the warehouse. It then generates a powerful gravitational pull that pulled all the shadow creatures into the sphere along with everything else in the facility. Outside, the Akatsuki see this from a safe distance. 

Deidara: What the hell is that?! 

Sasori: That must be Nagato....fascinating. 

Kakuzu: Fascinating indeed. 

Hidan: Now that's power! Imagine what that power could do in service to Lord Jashin! 

Kisame: Guess there's more to our fearless leader then we anticipated. Heh. If only Itachi was here to see this. 

As everyone in the Akatsuki marveled at Nagato's power, Konan was filled with great concern. Meanwhile, the sphere grows larger and larger until the entire warehouse was gone. Nagato then feels the strain of the power coursing through his body. 

Nagato: (I'm using too much power.....but I have no choice!) PLANETARY DEVASTATION! 

As the sphere grows larger and larger, Nagato raised the sphere into the sky and proceeds to slam it into the ground. The sphere's crashing creates a shockwave so powerful that the ground begins to rumble. When it was over, all the shadow creatures dissipated and Nagato fell on his knees. 

Konan: Nagato!

Konan rushes to Nagato and puts him on her shoulders. 

Nagato: Konan....I'm okay....

Kisame: That was quite the stunt you pulled. I can see why Integra made you leader of this little group. 

Nagato: That attack took a lot out of me. My body has already begun feeling the strains of the attack. 

Deidara: Looks like that attack did it on those shadow things. What now?

Nagato: Now we look for Wrath and Itachi. They couldn't have gotten far. 

Despite their victory against the shadow creatures, the Akatsuki were now in pursuit of not only Wrath, but Itachi as well. 

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