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Ashton wasn't an ordinary Kpop idol.
I don't even think you could say she was a "POP" idol, more like rock, alternative, rap, or all of those combined, maybe some electropop or indie pop here and there, but not so much. Sometimes even some jazz or oldies but goodies.
She had just started being a solo act 9 months ago on October 13, 2018.
Who knew she would get really famous as a Rookie.
Especially cause she was by herself, no friends in the kpop industry, or celebrities in general. She had no family to take care of her or show their love and affection toward her...well she did, but, they didn't care about her. The only person that did was her brother, who sadly passed away 3 years before she debuted. They always had each other's backs, but, not for long.
After his pass, she got into drugs, alcohol, and, became the total opposite of what she was before. She didn't care anymore, neither did her family, well, they never cared to begin with. Her parents were rarely home, and when they were, they wouldn't acknowledge her existence. Imagine how hard that must've been for a 15 year old. When she was in most need of her parents love and comfort, but all they did was neglect her. But, she grew up that way, and she couldn't do anything about it. Her drug addiction started a month after her brother passed.

Stage one) Depression and Anxiety:
Since she had no one to comfort her, she got a phycologist. That was recommended by her school, of course her parents didn't care but they took her to one so the counselor would stop ranting about it. Then the phycologist noticed Ashton's strange behavior. She would rarely smile, talk, show any emotion, she had bags under eyes, she'd get irritated easily, would have many mental breakdowns and panic attacks in the middle of sessions or anywhere,really , and everything else the counselor described to her, made her come to the conclusion that poor Ashton, was depressed. She sent her to get medications, so Ashton was prescribed Ketamine or DMT as others would call it. It was originally created to relieve pain, but it was said to also help with severe depression. It was quite dangerous, so it was needed to be taken with extra precaution.

Stage two) ADHD:
This has been something known for a while but, her parents couldn't care less to help her get a treatment for her attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, so the phycologist took matter into her own hands and did it herself. She took Ashton to a psychiatry clinic to get her treatment, and there, they gave her Methamphetamine also known as Meth. As well as the first medication, this one was also to be taken with extra caution because it could become addicted.

After sometime, Ashton stopped visiting her phycologist. She was a teen, she was curious. One day she accidentally took a little bit to much of what was instructed and well... we can say that was when her life went deeper into the abyss then it was before.

She recovered two years later. She still took those medications but she needed a guardian to watch over her when it was time to take one. She was also sent to a hospital for people with mental illnesses, because she attempted suicide. She visited every week, at least twice, for those two years. The company she is under knows about her history, but they still accepted her cause she was talented. Sober for two years now, she decided to leave America and pursue her dream as a musician. She would've never had thought that becoming a kpop idol would be it, but it all happened quickly. One minute she was at her job in a café singing to herself, next minute a slightly older male came to her and convinced her into trying out to be a Kpop idol.

Now here she is, already known by millions, and living her life happily... at least, that's what it seems...
*Ashtons P.O.V*
~PANG~ I woke up from my quick nap as I felt my head hit the roof of the car.

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