Not an update but important

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this book will be on hiatus for a while, some of you may know why but if you don't, then I will inform why;

Woojin left straykids today, due to personal reasons, and he exterminated his contract.

Writing this book will most likely make me feel worst due to the fact that I will be thinking about him constantly.

I cannot express how I feel, but I know that it is not a positive emotion. Either way, I will support him and his choices, if that's what he thinks is best for him, then I agree.

I don't want him to feel bad or just not be happy with his decisions. If this is the path he chooses than I will support him.

Woojin was a talented young man who has been through a lot, aswell as this group. I cannot imagine how the other members might feel right now. As you may see, he was already taken off the official Straykids website.

Woojin has done enough to make me happy, and I am glad that I was able to see him atleast once. He will for ever hold a place on my heart, aswell as Stay's hearts. It may take sometime to heal from this unexpected and devastating surprise, but only time can tell.

Thank you, for everything Woojin. We will love and support you always. You brightened my day, and I appreciate that. You were such a talented soul. These words aren't enough, there are millions of things I would love to tell him, but I can't. It'll take pages and pages.

"Nine or none"

"Nine or none"-Straykids

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